I never thought i would luv a plant so much.. .


Well-Known Member
Good Morning. I have fallen in love with the whole process & growing my own. I am also really enjoying this community & would enjoy for yall to take this journey with me. I ask that the expierieced growers help me along till harvest. Advising me of when this Blue Dream girl is ready to chop. If any of yall seen my other posts. I fucked up & had 9 weeks of flower on my mind. & thought I was late to start my "flush". In Reality I think I think I starved them a few weeks & my beautiful green leaves started to yellow & die. Some brittle & dry. Anyhow, I corrected the problem (I think) & started feeding my girl again. I know realize they need CalMag the whole way through if using distilled water. I now realize you cant go by what the seed bank says on flower time. So stay tuned & I'll keep showing trichomes for advise in the next 3 or 4 weeks. Thanks for all the advise. Cheers my grow fam.



Well-Known Member

2, maybe 4 weeks.

All kinds of white pistils and no cloudy trichs.

Don't bother with the flush, proven to be no benefit,
