I remember where I was on 9/11


Well-Known Member
I was at home watching it all happen on the news right before school. I remember my 1st period class we had an assembly and they gave us the option to go home, so I went to my friends house and got blazed, then went snowboarding.


Well-Known Member
I was at home watching it all happen on the news right before school. I remember my 1st period class we had an assembly and they gave us the option to go home, so I went to my friends house and got blazed, then went snowboarding.
Like a true american! lol


Active Member
Woke up 5 minutes after the first plant hit, turned on the tv, and remained convinced that I was sleeping for a couple of hours afterward. Spent the rest of the day glued to the tv, smoking and smoking.


Well-Known Member
i was in school aswell. In a portable to be exact. Last class of the day..

Grade 7.

We werent told until about the end of school though. Probably around 2:45 - 3ish . And even then werent told what had exactly happened. Teacher just said go and talk with your parents about what had happened. They were very neutral about it.

All i remember is being upset for a bit when i got home because all my shows werent on because of all the news...

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
At home on my couch. Just waking up for school. Skipped school. Just watched. Amazed. Me and my mom. We were like woa....


Well-Known Member
I was sleeping.... just about ready to wake up for school... and my mom came bursting into my room.. ( I was in grade 5) to wake me up.... Telling me there was something important on the TV I had to watch.

she said it was something world changing and I had to watch it.


Well-Known Member
i had just walkd into a pub wiv a girlfriend ( long since ended !) coulldnt believe wot i was seeing,

if obama lets a mosque be built on that site, I believe it will be a insult to every victim an there familys, im very sorry for ur loss on this sad day x


Well-Known Member
i was on my first trip to amsterdam in the south east corner of the city in a small coffee shop with spider man painted across the front window. i was sat on the left as you walked in next to the stairs on one of those tables with chess board on it. there was an american couple sitting behind me at the window. wont ever forget that spent the whole wek we were there just watching the news. needless to say we werent brave enough to try bringing weed back


Active Member
i think I was in 7th grade.. And usually i had a hard time getting up for school but i heard a lot of talking in the other room for how early it was, and my mom was glued to the tv and it was really weird because within a minute after I entered the room it was just in time to see the second plane hit. was creepy..

The sim's Bob Newbie

Well-Known Member
I remember where I was when I HEARD about it - in the kitchen at home...it had happened 6 days previously and oddly enough I'd heard fuck all about it during the 3 evening shifts I'd worked in a pub at the time...I admit I don't watch the news or read newspapers, but fuck me - 3 4-and-a-half hour shifts in a busy pub and NOBODY mentioned it?!?!?!


Well-Known Member
i was in class...ended up leaving school then went home and saw it on the TV. i was just like what the fuck....not even in shock just like...why?


Well-Known Member
I was living in San Diego at the time, that morning a friend and I had gone surfing at a place called upper trestles, on the way home we stopped to get gas and I saw the 1st world trade just got hit...by the time I got home the 2nd plane had hit and pentagon had been hit. I was delivering lost luggage for a company that contracted through the airlines so I didnt have work for awhile and it was never the same, but I'll never forget that fateful morning, still gets me pissed off every time I see that footage...


Well-Known Member
There better not be a fucking mosque anywhere near that site, I forgot that I had heard about that a few weeks ago, I would lose what little respect I still have for Obama if that happened and I actually believed in Obama, which Im basically embarassed to admit these days...I cant wait until the day we got bin ladens dirty ass head on a platter, what a day that will be,