I saw a mini fly... looked like a fruit fly?


Well-Known Member
i was watering today and i saw ONE fruit fly looking bug on the main stem of one plant... i searched the rest of the plant and couldn't find any then searched for that one again and it had left already. i have two plants.. i could only find one fly. is this a problem? what can i do to stop them before it becomes a problem?


Well-Known Member
kill it before it invites a booty call over and "they get it on" all over your leaves and he takes off cause she gets all pregnant and shit , she's stuck looking after the kids that turn out to be leaches on you system just taking what they need and never giving back , this happend to my wifes sister and it could happen to you !!!


Well-Known Member
fungus gnats dont eat leaves, the larvae lives in tyhe earth and eats the roots, then they fly up out of the earth and die within 24 hours, not before laying more eggs though !