I see 2 white Pistils forming - now what?


Active Member
Hi People,

So today I finally saw signs that my BC Med plant (unknown Strain) is a female. I can see 2 white pistils coming out of the nodes. I have her under a few CFLS and a 65W grow light. I also transplanted her today to a 3 gallon pot out of a 6 inch pot. She is about 18 inches tall and looking really healthy. I have had her under 12/12 for abouta week now. Should I trim off any fan leaves since most of my light is directly ontop of the plant to promote more top growth? Also - should I be concerend about anyting since transplanting? Also - about how long now until I see signs of bud growth? Today was the first day that I saw the white pistils?

Thanks - I shold have pictures in about 2-3 weeks. Once aI can afford a good camera. Than I will post lots of good pics.:weed: