Well-Known Member
i have a friend i went to college with. real religious type, believe in the literal translation of the bible, ardent bush supporter back during the 2004 election (not surprisingly).
an actual conversation we had on facebook....
her: So its inconveivable that the mongoloid, caucasian, and begroid races all came from originally two people and just adapted to their environments over time but it is totally possible to you that giraffes, clouds, octupus, dinosaurs, humans, moss, music, stars, antimatter, and so on and so forth all came from one original cell?
me: Music and clouds came from a cell? Are you sure you should be in charge of adult education? Let me ask you, are clouds single-celled organisms, or are they multi-cellular? LOL!
the scary part? she is in charge of adult education.
we're doomed
an actual conversation we had on facebook....
her: So its inconveivable that the mongoloid, caucasian, and begroid races all came from originally two people and just adapted to their environments over time but it is totally possible to you that giraffes, clouds, octupus, dinosaurs, humans, moss, music, stars, antimatter, and so on and so forth all came from one original cell?
me: Music and clouds came from a cell? Are you sure you should be in charge of adult education? Let me ask you, are clouds single-celled organisms, or are they multi-cellular? LOL!
the scary part? she is in charge of adult education.
we're doomed