I split main stem mainling and im very upset


:sad:I screamed for 911 when I noticed it yesterday20201020_170730.jpg because I couldnt believe it. I remember making adjustments the day prior, tying it down more and I remember chuckling saying "that's literally the max she'll tolerate". The next day I see this.20201020_170707.jpg
Tell me what you think about it today, how bad is it?
Will she be ok? How will will it effect the yield? Should I take it to the merg?20201020_170658.jpg Have you had this experience? Is there a way to super crop it to make it better if she does heal like should I make a knuckle where the split meets. This situation is heart breaking it hurts my feelings and I feel like a big juicy bitch


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Splint it up with a few popsicle sticks and tie it so the split goes back together. Next time cut a little bit more above the branches so you have a little nub coming up, that will help avoid splitting a little bit.
Mine ripped/split itself open growing, it will scar and heal. Can see the old scars here.

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Did the scars swell up eventually and fill in the space a little bit? What if I used a sterile blade, scrabed it neatly and zip tied them? Would that be worse than just simply zip trying them or just leaving them be? Because it looks like they'll bounce back. I forgot to mention I immediately gave them a foliar feeding, magic green hoping it would help
Did the scars swell up eventually and fill in the space a little bit? What if I used a sterile blade, scrabed it neatly and zip tied them? Would that be worse than just simply zip trying them or just leaving them be? Because it looks like they'll bounce back. I forgot to mention I immediately gave them a foliar feeding, magic green hoping it would help
Yeah they filled themselves in as it dried, I didn’t split it from training it just happened from growth. I would just do what the guys said, give it a bit of closing support and let it be.
I found that cheap plant tie that has minimal wire and a bunch of rubber works well too, I also use the wider Velcro stuff that can be seen at the back end of the tape measure, the rubber wire you can twist to the desired clamp and easily back it off as needed.
I found that cheap plant tie that has minimal wire and a bunch of rubber works well too, I also use the wider Velcro stuff that can be seen at the back end of the tape measure, the rubber wire you can twist to the desired clamp and easily back it off as needed.
I got a cheaper version of what you're talking about and it was bitch to do but I figured it out. The red is where I wrapped around the closest nodes and yellow is how I twisted the two outer parts together in the middle and surprisingly gave it enough torsion to close it up!
The bottom was a problem though, I had to use a spanner to keep that closed, split pretty deep

I think what happened was I trained it a bit just before a much needed water change when they were more weak and workable. Once they juiced up n got fresh nutes overnight it ripped at its pressure points from it growing, I even imagined it. I knew it could handle the training at the time but I was iffy about what would happen once she started eating properly again
First time grow, makes me feel like I just stepped on a dogs foot when I hurt a plant or sm but y'all made me feel better n gave me the confidence that I could do something about it, relax and smoke.Thanks everybody cause i was tweakn


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