I think I have Magnesium deficiency


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, just want to fill you in on somthing I have come to learn.

I have always been a "conspiracy nutter" and many years ago (when I got the internet) I soon learned about Fluride in our water supply, and the possible side affects of this additive.

As the years went by I started using more and more bottled water, now I have 3 kids and a wife so I got a reverse osmosis filter system put in. I dont think I have drunk tap water for over 3 years now.

Recently I started to grow hydro again, so I got my set-up and started my grow. I soon joined this site for the support and help with growing after I found I had some problems, I soon learned I had magnesium def as I was using RO water with coco as a medium.

I suffer with a bad heart and I get bad miragranes, so after some research I realised I most likley had a mag def and become concerned about my kids having cal/mag def as well. I found some concerning info including the follwing article.

So I thought I would just let you guys know, just incase some of you are like me and thought bottled and RO water to be the way to go.


Well-Known Member
Why waste your time posting that crap if u don't give a fuck! Obviously too stupid too understand. You knob jockey


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry, I see your other post are all the same stupid picture quotes, clearly you have trouble communicating like a human adult.