I think I'm Phucked!!


Active Member
Dig a trench, nuff' said.
This. There is nothing shittier than falling into an unexpected hole in the middle of the night while sneaking around.

Set up a good fence so the kids know its a restricted area, post signs(youre on camera, no trespassing, etc.) and get a fake camera to hang in the trees even call the kids parents if you know them.

Act a little crazy and use the LEOs if you have to.


Well-Known Member
Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience. — Mark Twain


Well-Known Member
mb tell the kids you'll give them a sample if they let it alone. but then stiff them when harvest time comes. next grow, do it somewhere else on your property. i would do a fenced in area with a couple yappy dogs for an alarm. or lots and lots of poison ivy.


paintball guns, no trespassing signs, fake video cams and fences. all legal, all non lethal. if you have to, add some current to the fence. that should deter the little bastards. Next time, plant them in a bit better secluded area on your property if you have the option, or if needed, build a roofless room around next batch. I know it sucks that you should have to go through all of this hassle on your own property, but that's the risks we all run doing what we are doing.

J and J

Those pics were kinda too much.
Anyways, if there was a portable Chuck Norris that'd be the solution =|


You gotta go with a fence. It's the long term solution to a long term problem. People suggesting grow it somewhere else on your property next time don't understand 15 year olds. They'll search every square inch of land to look for the plants. They like to wander and they somehow found this grow.

You'll definitely need constantine wire on the top of the fence though. Make sure it's dug a couple of feet into the ground too. They'll bring shovels and dig when the fence goes up. It'll be like a game for them to get your grow.


Well-Known Member
The rippers are coming soon before the first bud hair shows they will get them just to get them and dry the leaves in there parents microwave good luck.


Well-Known Member
I think someone else mentioned this already, but I'll repeat it: trail cams.

They may not stop the kids from stealing your weed, but at least you'll have proof it was those little fuckers who stole them. Trail cams in conjunction with other means of deterrents is probably going to be your best bet, aside from speaking with the kids and/or their parents. If you have both deterrents and trail cams, and they manage to make it past your deterrents, then at the very least like I said before, you'll have proof of who did it.


Well-Known Member
Wow. I took off for Vegas...gone fore a 2days and all hell breaks loose. I will NOT set any kind of traps. I might put something out there that makes it appear I'm around, maybe some kind of motion sensor light or recording.
I talked to the dad Tuesday. He knows I grow medically and he said he and his wife knew last year as well. He was disappointed his daughter told her friends..but what are you gonna do.
I,m gonna take your advice and offer a taste to the mom (who spoke to me about getting a card) and hope she tells her kid to stay away.

mb tell the kids you'll give them a sample if they let it alone. but then stiff them when harvest time comes. next grow, do it somewhere else on your property. i would do a fenced in area with a couple yappy dogs for an alarm. or lots and lots of poison ivy.


Well-Known Member
I thought about those..but I have my plants spread out in different areas,plus what's to stop them from stealing that too. I'm around all the time till mid- September and they are mostly early finishers (fruity Chronic Juice, White Widow, Blue Widow and Diesel) hopefully I'll be able to protect them from the little fuckers and get my harvest.

I think someone else mentioned this already, but I'll repeat it: trail cams.

They may not stop the kids from stealing your weed, but at least you'll have proof it was those little fuckers who stole them. Trail cams in conjunction with other means of deterrents is probably going to be your best bet, aside from speaking with the kids and/or their parents. If you have both deterrents and trail cams, and they manage to make it past your deterrents, then at the very least like I said before, you'll have proof of who did it.


Undercover Mod
Your only choice is to move them, these kids know about them and now thier friends know about the mand soon half the neighborhood is gonna know about them. IF you leave them they are gonna be taken and you can only blame yourself. Violence is never the answer especially against kids, you were a kid once.


Well-Known Member
Put 10 foot metal fence around them in a simple circle and put bells on the inside near the top, so they have to make a lot of noise to get to them...


The kids will tell more friends, and your entire crop will be taken long before you harvest.

Trail cameras hidden they will will never see them. As an avid hunter I've gotten pictures of all sorts of animals and tresspassers on our property and they never saw them. Check out the Primos 46 $100 Cams and their camo'd. You can buy mounts $25 that screw into a tree and the camera will cover an area 50-60 feet out. Put the camera up using a ladder 12 feet up. Batteries will last all hunting season.

You can also buy these. They don't injure, not illegl, will scare the shit out of the kids and of course you will hear it.


You can also look into wireless driveway alarms. Most will send a chime to the receiver a good distance which you mount in your house. When somebody breaks the beam you will know somebody is out there, or an animal.


Well-Known Member
Your only choice is to move them, these kids know about them and now thier friends know about the mand soon half the neighborhood is gonna know about them. IF you leave them they are gonna be taken and you can only blame yourself. Violence is never the answer especially against kids, you were a kid once.
Dude, I never said anything about violence. I think the fact that they knew I had a grow last year and it wasn't touched is promising.. Problem is obviously more people may know this year. (That I know of)..I really can't move them at this point, they are four feet tall, in the ground and I don't have a better more secure spot on my 3 acres. I'm going to protect them as best I can..probably put up a trail cam or two and some string with bells on it around the plants.


Active Member
You can bet your boots they're going to dissapear, you know how 15 yr olds are, we were all 15 at one time, what would you have done in those days. They'll be telling all their friends and before you know it ZAP!! You'll have a hord of 15 yr olds running around on your property. I feel for you but don't be surprised.
That may be true ....ok strike that....expect the hoard of 15 year olds sooner than later.....get a camera...they are so cheap now..under 100 bucks gets u 80 foot night vision...mine are awsome..I need to add if your cash strapped and want good reliable security use senser lights...but dont put bulbs in them, instead run the circut back to the house and have a bulb light up right in yer face in yer bedroom ....set up 3 or 4 of them...then you have zones, depending on which lights go on is were the rippers are at...i did this before you could evan buy home security cams for less than a couple hun each....25 years ago.....


Well-Known Member
That may be true ....ok strike that....expect the hoard of 15 year olds sooner than later.....get a camera...they are so cheap now..under 100 bucks gets u 80 foot night vision...mine are awsome..I need to add if your cash strapped and want good reliable security use senser lights...but dont put bulbs in them, instead run the circut back to the house and have a bulb light up right in yer face in yer bedroom ....set up 3 or 4 of them...then you have zones, depending on which lights go on is were the rippers are at...i did this before you could evan buy home security cams for less than a couple hun each....25 years ago.....
I'm thinking of going with the dummy cams...and I do like the idea of some sort of warning light when someone enters the area.