I think the worst has happen to my budz! HELP!!


New Member
Ok first let me explain how i got to where i'm at when i first trimmed the
plant of its buds they looked beautiful nice light green color.after trimming the buds were put in a light cardboard box not a thick one like a moving box but one that the cardboard itself was thin 12 packs of oatmeal came in it about a 3" x 10"inch box with nothing covering the top of it so the buds had a decent flow of fresh air. I left the buds in there for about 3 days every day I would shuffle the buds around and through out them 3 days i could tell the buds were getting darker in color. Now there at the point were there mostly dry on the outside but you can tell there still moist if you squeeze a bud and now it looks like they have almost black specs on them and i am hoping its not mold as this is my first time ever growing. Take a good look at the pic and please tell me what you think is going on and if there is anyway to save this batch.I still have 3 more plants to harvest what can i do to stop them from turning out like this again?The brighter pic is with the light flash on from my iphoneIMG_0369.JPG IMG_0370.JPG


New Member
Wow i was at least expecting 1 reply by now I know what i said above shows that I have zero experience in growing. I guess i came to the wrong place looking for help : (


Well-Known Member
Next time hang the plant whole after you cut it down at the base. Give it slight airflow so it doesnt mold. The bud you tried to dry needs airflow around it, so dropping it on a cardbord box bottom is going to make it really hard to get air around it, moving the moisture out and away from it.
If you have your heart set on removing the buds to dry them, use a window screen after you wash it of dust, or a proper drying rack. Both still need some passive airflow around or under them.

bryan oconner

Well-Known Member
if you think your forming mold . dry them super fast . throw them out in the sun for an hour . its a thing I would never suggest on a ok harvest . but if you have mold forming its better then throwing it all away. next time cut up the branches and hang it to dry for 5 days then throw it into a container to cure and keep a tight eye on them


New Member
1 more thing it does not smell or taste very good at all when smoked is there anything I can do to help that part out? The last 3 plants I have i am going to hang them in the tent i used to grow them in and i think i will leave the fan on for good air flow.
I also had growing WW that was planted at the same time the amnesia was but I pulled the WW about 3 weeks before I pulled the first amnesia. Basicly the same drying process was used and the WW didnt turn out that great but was looked and smelled better then the amnesia.


Well-Known Member
Another emergency situation is water cure it water kills the mold but also kills the taste and smell but still makes decent smoke. I would say give it a few get curing in a jar open several times a day in beginning and smell it if it smells like mold you got mold


Well-Known Member
You said "light green" but I see dark green in your pics. My advice is back off the N a tad during flower.

Pics are not clear enough to see the black spots you describe?

I have always dried in piles, never hang, there are many ways to skin a cat LOL

When done right they literally ooze resin during the dry, most growers don't even know about it 8)



New Member
I took a real good look at the buds and the black spots i was thinking that might be mold is the tips of the little leafs that are on the buds they are really hard to see but i was able to get a pinch on the leaf and kind of roll it out.
I've had them sitting in a sealed glass jar since i first posted this the bad smell is still present but the color looks like it has came back some what.I've noticed that alot of the buds have many seeds inside them what gives? the WW batch had zero seeds that I came across. IMG_0371.JPG


Well-Known Member
I took a real good look at the buds and the black spots i was thinking that might be mold is the tips of the little leafs that are on the buds they are really hard to see but i was able to get a pinch on the leaf and kind of roll it out.
I've had them sitting in a sealed glass jar since i first posted this the bad smell is still present but the color looks like it has came back some what.I've noticed that alot of the buds have many seeds inside them what gives? the WW batch had zero seeds that I came across. View attachment 3711254
Id let it dry out totally and then blast it.


Well-Known Member
Some weed smells like garbage when you initially dry it, give it at least 2-4 weeks for the smell to come out. Seeds means you either had a male or hermie. If you put 3 day old fresh cut weed in a closed jar it's going to definitely smell like shit, probably still wet. Grab a $10 rh meter.