I think this WW hates me


Well-Known Member
This G13 Labs Fem WW is in a world of hurt. I have a bag seed that is going as well, same enviroment, soil, light, etc. and that is doing very well. The pics will tell it better than I can.

Both plants started at same time, they vegged 28 days. I believe they did get a little heat stressed perhaps early (within days of breaking ground) on after switching to a 150w HPS. Temps. hit mid 90's but it wasn't a prolonged event. Rigged up a cool tube and solved the problem. The WW seemed stunted after that.

Testing runoff with a liquid test kit and it reads 6.0 or under. I only found Garden Lime granuals locally, so i've crushed them up and mixed it with water and watered.

Soil - Happy Frog/Ocean Forest Mix with Perlite
Light - 150w HPS
Water - RO/DI (filters need a changing though)
Nutes - Jack's Classic (1/4 strength to start) + CalMag

Take a look at these pics and if you have any advice, i'd love to hear it.
