I Topped My Plant and I Need Advice on Something!


Active Member
Hi all im new to these forums and i need your guys help on somthing.

its my 2nd time growing and i just topped my plant, its 4 weeks from seed and my question for you guys is did i do it right like how long till i notice the results of my plant? i would like to kno if i did it right or not. i will post pics soon.

thanks again!!!


Active Member
Kind of hard to know if you did it right until those pics go up, topping is pretty easy tho. You will start to notice about a week after, you'll see two different growths from where you topped it assuming you've done it right. Will say something a little more useful when you post those pics.

Hope it went well

Jakabok Botch

Well-Known Member
Hi all im new to these forums and i need your guys help on somthing.

its my 2nd time growing and i just topped my plant, its 4 weeks from seed and my question for you guys is did i do it right like how long till i notice the results of my plant? i would like to kno if i did it right or not. i will post pics soon.

thanks again!!!
ya its hard to tell u without bein able to see....but its pretty easy


Active Member
Wow thank you guys for the feed back yea with out a pic sucks soo i took some off my cell phone idk if there good quality but check it out, soo you guys are sayin about a week or so till i notice somthing? Thanks again for all your advice!!!

Sorry if image sucks it was taken off my phone!

Jakabok Botch

Well-Known Member
Wow thank you guys for the feed back yea with out a pic sucks soo i took some off my cell phone idk if there good quality but check it out, soo you guys are sayin about a week or so till i notice somthing? Thanks again for all your advice!!!

Sorry if image sucks it was taken off my phone!

looks good to me....now we wait for all the tops...


Active Member
Wow really Jakabok Botch you think shes gunna pull thru??

I will keep this Post Up To date and will let all you know how she is as long with more better pics..

any other advice would greatly be appreciated thanks!


Active Member
ya man shes fine kinda hard to fuck topping up but in a few days ull see the 2 side shoots come up and be a happy lil camper :)


Active Member
It's looking good mate, although the plant itself looks way small to me for a 4-weeker. Might be wrong because of the removed top. Also, are you feeding anything to it? The 1st pic shows the left bottom leaf kind of burnt, or is it just damaged?

It should grow faster now with the topping, but keep an eye on it and keep us posted :)

Jakabok Botch

Well-Known Member
It's looking good mate, although the plant itself looks way small to me for a 4-weeker. Might be wrong because of the removed top. Also, are you feeding anything to it? The 1st pic shows the left bottom leaf kind of burnt, or is it just damaged?

It should grow faster now with the topping, but keep an eye on it and keep us posted :)
itl have a spurt soon....iv had a few that start growin slow....next thing i no its growin a node and a half a day...


Well-Known Member
Usually with topping, the new "tops" will start growing within the next day. That plant hasnt enough light/some other limiting factor cos its a tiny baby for 4 weeks old...my seedlings would be bigger than that in a week above ground, and my conditions are far from perfect!


Active Member
It's looking good mate, although the plant itself looks way small to me for a 4-weeker. Might be wrong because of the removed top. Also, are you feeding anything to it? The 1st pic shows the left bottom leaf kind of burnt, or is it just damaged?

It should grow faster now with the topping, but keep an eye on it and keep us posted :)
thanks valid, and i was feeding it, i was only giving it Molasses with 1 Tbs of Molasses and 1 gallon of water but im not feeding it at the moment cause of that main reason on what you said bout the leaf so im just using water at the moment i do hope on buying some better food. dont kno what tho


Active Member
Usually with topping, the new "tops" will start growing within the next day. That plant hasnt enough light/some other limiting factor cos its a tiny baby for 4 weeks old...my seedlings would be bigger than that in a week above ground, and my conditions are far from perfect!
thanks man im lookin forward to see my baby with her set of tops, but yea i bet you got a waaay better setup then me but i am still workin on my setup as we speak and kinda new at growing indoor but ive done some research.


Well-Known Member
My advice would be invest in a good light first, no point in having all the other stuff if your plant hasnt the "energy" to grow. I started on a 200w Envirolight, moved up to a 400w HPS and now use a 600w HPS...I wish Id just bought the 600w first!