I tripped and oops !?

What would you have done!

  • Wrapped with tape and ziptied

    Votes: 5 55.6%
  • Used some sort of plant product as well

    Votes: 1 11.1%
  • Just effing cut it off

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Just left it

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Cried for 20 minuties because you just sat down on ur plants

    Votes: 3 33.3%

  • Total voters
so while i was not so carefully trying to trim a large fan leave back from one of the plants in the back, i may have stumbled a bit and fell on my babies!! most are fine but two stems have severred. So far i wrapped some painters tape around the injuries and applied some cable ties to help hold them together? is there a chance that they will magically mend back together????

PS to make things ever more funny they were about 2-3 weeks into flowering when this happened :cry: thanks for the help


Active Member
it should be fine a friend of my almost snapd a stem and it just grew back even thicker, iv even seen som advice saying to rub the stems betwn finger an thumb to damage them and force them to repair thicker...idno about wraping tape around them tho prehaps take that off incase them chemicals in the adhesive gets into the plant and damages it


Well-Known Member
Hi Garden :)

Sorry to hear about yourr whoops :( .... leasson learned ?

I would do exactley what you have done , Try everything i could to salvage the situation , I have seen it done with my own eyes , If you can get them as near inline as you can the stems will heal , Not sure if it will have enogh time befor you harvest and it will no doubt have an effect on your yeild and the health of your plants from now till then , But if you can get something off them you will be lucky .

I would be crying by now i think :( lol .... I dropped a screwdriver that sliced one of my lower arms clean off while i was adjusting my filter ... i was in a state of depression for a few days ...so i imagin you must feel pretty shitty right now ... Learn from it ..Well done for showing others here who might learn from it ...and good luck :)

+Rep for having what it takes to laugh at your mistake :)

V :peace:


Active Member
I did this the other day but the damage was minimal. A stem snapped but stay connected so i used waterproof tape at the elbow to give it support while it repaired. I took the tape off after about 1.5 weeks and its fine.


Well-Known Member
:sleep:ghaaahaa I can't sleep :roll:, This accident is going round in my head :o

I rembered this video ...and i think it might help you .

Pay close attention to about 2:30 onwards .


Good Luck ...and let us know how you got on :)

Side note ... I'm going to be doing this in future grows ... i LOVE the idea :hump:


Active Member
you can get this stuff HERE
It works better than tape, but as long as most of the "bark" is still attached your plant will still be able to take up nutrients! Its fixable man


Well-Known Member
you can get this stuff HERE
It works better than tape, but as long as most of the "bark" is still attached your plant will still be able to take up nutrients! Its fixable man
Thanks for this , Been looking for some kind of sealer for after taking clones and pruning :) +rep :)


Active Member
The bark is not what uptakes nutes its the white inside but again you should be fine just dont mess with it...i pulled the tape off mine before it was healed then it just bent over again


Active Member
The bark is not what uptakes nutes its the white inside but again you should be fine just dont mess with it...i pulled the tape off mine before it was healed then it just bent over again
Actually the inner layer of bark (the phloem) transports the energy the plant makes.....