I want to grow the Chronic in PANAMA.....YEAH!


Active Member
I am serious . They have like the best fucking weather going on there! Not to mention the fact that i could get like a jungle of outdoor weed just getting sticky and dank! I could even send some seeds from here (up in Canada) down there! I could be a KING !
What are the ramifacation? or legal logistics in this country on those types of things? Because i know this place out side of Boqueta that would be IDEAL.
I'm out


Active Member
The expedition would almost certainly be more trouble than it's worth. Are you an experienced grower or a beginner? Either way, it may not be advisable that you go to a foreign country to start a drug empire, especially in a place like Central America where laws aren't enforced as "humanely" as they are here in Canada. Keep in mind many drug lords in Central and S. America often run governments/militia/police so you'll not only be dealing with the law, but with pissing off your competitors. Stick to a closet/basement/garage/wooded area in good ol' Canada and you'll be much more comfortable:) PS - there is a "Laws" forum on the main page if you still want to go, there may be info there.


Active Member
I'd love to grow some chronic on the moon too. now that would be awsome! i dont think the laws are too bad there and there definetly is no druglord competition.


Active Member
Either way, it may not be advisable that you go to a foreign country to start a drug empire
Hahaha True enuff huh?
Yeah good advice everyone . I wasn't even thinking about selling the stuff... haha i had only thought out
how rad it would be to grow outside there.
Haha i do grow cheese weed on the moon


Active Member
Ah, man! I'm definitely with you there. There are places other than Canada I'd prefer to be growing. But yeah, be difficult to say the least. Maybe we can pool our resources and get a crop going on Mars!


Active Member
Haha get a little greenhouse dome on a nice mountain on mars. I bet that that high would be out of this world
haha that was corny
In all seriousness though... Panama is fucking beautiful. highly recommended