i was wondering


Active Member
to keep down my electric bill would it be a good idea to use a generator for half the day or maybe 4 or 5 hours have it on a timer .any thoughts


Active Member
You'll still be using gas tho, so not sure it would save u much also if you
have neighbors close by they might not appreciate it either. lol :)

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Ya that sounds like it would work would the generator annoy the surrounding houses if any
i'd have also thought that a personal generators output vs $ would not be on par with juice from the wall, else power companies would find themselves ina pickle very quickly (i wouldn't care about burning some petrol if it meant that i was saving money... and i think most of the world works like that at present)


Well-Known Member
internal combustion is a loud and highly inefficient means of generating power

generators aint cheap and aint quite plus you would have to exhaust it somewhere.

Now solar panels on a cabin in the middle of nowhere is a different story. You can get some panels installed for about 10-15k i think.