I will be by your house to take your stuff tommorow because I have the moral right


New Member
100 years ago my friends and I got together and wrote down on a piece of some parchment with some powerful magic ink granting mere mortals the moral right to rob you. I will be by your house around noon tomorrow to take some of your stuff. Please have it all laid out nicely so I can choose which things I will take. I will see you then!


Well-Known Member
that has nothing to do with it, divine powers.
"The Congress Shall Have the Power to lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts, and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common defense and general Welfare of the United States." Article I, section 8 of the U. S. Constitution


New Member
"The Congress Shall Have the Power to lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts, and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common defense and general Welfare of the United States." Article I, section 8 of the U. S. Constitution
awesome so I will be by your house tomorrow around noon, please have it laid out nicely.


Well-Known Member
If you are coming, bring guns. You will need them. (a quote from Atlas Shrugged)

That's in the Constitution, somewhere.


New Member
I'm just pointing out that the authority is from the constitution, not divine.
regardless, yes, magic paper, as I wrote. Please have your stuff laid out nicely, I will be arriving soon to take what I please. I have magic paper that gives me the moral right to take your stuff. Also I am talking about anarchy, your fucking avatar lmao, not objectivism/micharchism. Why don’t you seem understand the fundamental underpinning of anarchy? non-aggression principle and that government is immoral? I thought you were an anarchist?


Well-Known Member
It is really too bad that most people are sheep. Followers. And the worst part is, they assume everyone else is sheep. They think that Everyone just talks in pictures and fingerpaints insults. They think that political discourse is to simply label and dismiss. Oh, the sting of the pictures! Oh the depth of caricature in these wordless replies! Embrace the lowbrow and hate those that don't agree. That will defend the nation.

Well it is working, for now. But, when the wolves come for blood, you will just hold up a satiric photo. Wolves will be satisfied with that, won't they? That will slink then away, too insulted to fight :)


Well-Known Member
It is really too bad that most people are sheep. Followers. And the worst part is, they assume everyone else is sheep. They think that Everyone just talks in pictures and fingerpaints insults. They think that political discourse is to simply label and dismiss. Oh, the sting of the pictures! Oh the depth of caricature in these wordless replies! Embrace the lowbrow and hate those that don't agree. That will defend the nation.

Well it is working, for now. But, when the wolves come for blood, you will just hold up a satiric photo. Wolves will be satisfied with that, won't they? That will slink then away, too insulted to fight :)


Well-Known Member
regardless, yes, magic paper, as I wrote. Please have your stuff laid out nicely, I will be arriving soon to take what I please. I have magic paper that gives me the moral right to take your stuff. Also I am talking about anarchy, your fucking avatar lmao, not objectivism/micharchism. Why don’t you seem understand the fundamental underpinning of anarchy? non-aggression principle and that government is immoral? I thought you were an anarchist?
So you no longer tout the constitution as holy writ? I am keen to point out that "free-market" libertarians only seem to consider it to be supreme authority when it suits them.

As for me, yes, I would certainly prefer anarchosyndicalism, but if I MUST consent to some form of government, I prefer one leaning as far libertarian socialist as possible and that conforms to the constitution better than Rawn Pawl's brand of libertarian does.


New Member
So you no longer tout the constitution as holy writ? I am keen to point out that "free-market" libertarians only seem to consider it to be supreme authority when it suits them.

As for me, yes, I would certainly prefer anarchosyndicalism, but if I MUST consent to some form of government, I prefer one leaning as far libertarian socialist as possible and that conforms to the constitution better than Rawn Pawl's brand of libertarian does.
again, How can you believe that government is moral and call yourself an anarchist? I don't care what Ron Paul or Objectivist say on this its not the topic. I will be over your house to take your stuff soon, its almost noon, I have my magic paper, please have it laid out nicely.