I would like peoples opinions on my newbie grow THANKS

:peace:Finally!!! I germinated 7 seeds and 4 sprouted. I just planted the 4 in 3 gallon pots 3 days ago. My closet is 8 square feet. I have only 3 100watt cfl hanging overhead the 4 plants each with a light reflector and 2700 lumens each. The lights are 2700k. I am making a trip to Home Depot tomorrow to buy some 6500K lights- which I know I should be vegging with already:sad: My questions are in an area this big how many more lights should I buy? Also, am just curious as to what everybodys thoughts are on trying to do a whole grow in the 3 galllon pot-I probably shoud have transplanted but I didnt. Lastly, money is tight so I keep my heat around 65 in my house, is this going to effect my grow or will the lights hanging about 3" from the plants enough heat? Thank you for the time to read my post. I am a newbie and know I'm making some mistakes so hoping I can get some guidance from here on out......


Well-Known Member
:peace:Finally!!! I germinated 7 seeds and 4 sprouted. I just planted the 4 in 3 gallon pots 3 days ago. My closet is 8 square feet. I have only 3 100watt cfl hanging overhead the 4 plants each with a light reflector and 2700 lumens each. The lights are 2700k. I am making a trip to Home Depot tomorrow to buy some 6500K lights- which I know I should be vegging with already:sad: My questions are in an area this big how many more lights should I buy? Also, am just curious as to what everybodys thoughts are on trying to do a whole grow in the 3 galllon pot-I probably shoud have transplanted but I didnt. Lastly, money is tight so I keep my heat around 65 in my house, is this going to effect my grow or will the lights hanging about 3" from the plants enough heat? Thank you for the time to read my post. I am a newbie and know I'm making some mistakes so hoping I can get some guidance from here on out......
putting seedlings in a 3 gallon pot more often than not leads new growers to the #1 mistake overwatering, so be careful not to fall into that group

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
^true and i think you must be off on the lumen output of the cfls. Even the 42 watt cfls push 3700 lumens I believe. I think you want to shoot for at least 3000 lumens per sq foot. Good luck


Well-Known Member
do your self a favor at home depot get 2 120w spot grow bulbs and 2 6500k cfl's .the spot grow bulbs are a lot better, i tried both.you should just get 4 spot grow bulbs(trey make a little more heat too),but if you get 2 of each you will see the difference within a week.
The lights I bought are ecosmart 150 watt equivalent on the package. 42 energy used in watts? 2600 light output in lumens. I'm a newbie but would'nt 3 of them equal 7800 lumens?


Well-Known Member
^Agreed, the big pots will retain water for a loooong time, with those little plants in there, so you probably won't have to water more than once a week, maybe longer. As for the lighting...you'll want to have at leat 2 of those lights per plant, and 3-4 would be even better.(it's also okay to use both types, but 6500K should be the majority) The temps should be good too, because 65* is about the perfect temp for the dark period.

Just remember....no nutes til they're at least 3 weeks old, and pretty good size. With those pots, and some decent soil, those plants won't need any fert for over a month, and that's if they are growing well.


Well-Known Member
The lights I bought are ecosmart 150 watt equivalent on the package. 42 energy used in watts? 2600 light output in lumens. I'm a newbie but would'nt 3 of them equal 7800 lumens?
a general target to aim for is a minimum of 50 (actual) watts per sq ft and a minimum of 3000 lumens per sq ft

so , yes with 3 plants your gonna want more light and for veg you want to ADD 6500K lights IOW keep the 42's and add 2 26's per plant if your gonna stick with cfl's (and this is minimum!)
Ok thanks for everyones feedback!!! Ya'll rock!!! So goin to HD today to purchase 5 more 2700k lights and 5 6500k. Ugh I'm spending $$$ I don't have but want to do this right so I can make my $$$ back on the other end. Again thanks