I would like to REP my dog!

Trich Fiend

New Member
last week my dog probably saved my life. i have a 4 year old black lab that i rescued. my family has always had dogs and one day i took my parents dog to the vet for them while they were on vacation. my 3 brothers all have 1-3 dogs each and we grew up with labs my whole life. always at least 1 if not 2 in the house so we all know the vet very well. lol. so when i was talking to him we starting chatting about my new house and how everything was going. he asked me if i was thinking of getting a dog soon. i told him that i wanted to but just hadn't gotten around to finding the time to locate a good breeder locally. he told me about a guy who purchased a lab from breeder but the dog had major knee & joint problems. the guy couldn't afford the surgery the dog needed and was willing to give him to anyone who agreed to pay for the surgery. long story short i paid for both surgeries and 5 months of rehab and walking the dog with a harness and everything. since then she has been my best friend and goes almost everywhere with me.

fast forward 4 years. i live in a quiet community and there are woods across from my house. i take my dog walking in there all the time. one of my neighbors down the street has this huge german shepherd that has to be 6+ years old. the dog is fenced in the back yard but anytime anyone walks buy he goes crazy and tries to claw his way out. we've all complained about it cause the dog is dangerous and scary for sure but there's nothing you can do cause it never is let out. my dog is the sweetest dog around. all of the little kids in the neighborhood play with her and i can let her off the leash and no one cares. she's never growled at anyone and always is really friendly. even my next door neighbor is always coming over to play with her or take her on a walk with his wife.

so i was walking in the woods about a week ago with my dog and she was off the trail somewhere like always digging around or whatever. all of a sudden i saw my neighbors mean ass german shepherd about 20 yards in front of me on the trail. it immediately started to growl at me. i'm used to dogs so i kinda figured it was just being territorial or something. i started to back away and it started to follow me slowly in a hunched attack position. i knew he was gonna charge at that point. i looked around for a stick or a rock and just as i knelt down to pick up a stick he starting charging. he didn't get more than 5 yards before out of nowhere came my dog. she got right in front of me and got vicious. she barked like i have never heard her before in my life. the other dog was twice her size but it stopped cold in its tracks. then my dog literally backed the other dog off. she walked at her slowly growling and barking. the other dog eventually turned and walked away slowly down the path. after that i called my dog but she wouldn't move for like 3-5 minutes which was something she never did when i called her before. the whole way home she stayed behind me and would stop and look back every 10 yards.

just wanted to share that. needless to say she's been eating steak and chicken for a week now. :clap:


Active Member
You didn't say what your wonder dog's name is! Kudos...they know when their people need them that is for sure! Post a pic of your hero!

Trich Fiend

New Member
thanks pixi. her name is mia.

not gonna post pics yet cause i read some stuff that says you shouldn't post pics on forums. that they can track the pics and stuff. even though it's a pic of my dog i don't want anyone seeing the other stuff i may talk about and then tracking me.
awesome! what a great dog, and a great story- thanks for sharing!
I wonder if the shepherd dog is in need of a vet visit for some doggie prozac or something? They are usually good dogs...sad.

Trich Fiend

New Member
yea. it's just so surprising cause she's never acted that vicious in her life. it really was unbelievable to watch. when i heard her coming out of the woods barking i thought she was gonna die. that the other dog was gonna attack her and that would be the end. i guess she showed him who's running the show. i called the cops but they couldn't do anything. they sent aspca to the guys house and they did an inspection but they didn't remove the dog. the neighbors all complained to him and he did add some reinforcements to the gate so the dog couldn't get out. but now, if mia walks by the house that dog doesn't bark anymore. before it would go nuts at anything or anyone that went by the house. now i can walk my dog by there and he just sits and watches through the fence. still goes nuts for other people and dogs. just not when we go by. lol.


Well-Known Member
nice man...dogs are great and that is a great dog..that is how ya want a dog...chill all the time unless it needs to get vicious...sounds like that GSD is a liability and needs some serious socialization...if that was a kid who ran they are getting mauled.


Well-Known Member
labs are great dogs my pit is like that thou if another dog is off a leash he wont let it near me


Well-Known Member
i grew up with labs...great dogs..i have cane corsos ...my one girl is 11 and probably will be put down this summer and i am going to rescue a dog to keep my boy company.maybe a lab or lab mix

Trich Fiend

New Member
labs are my favorites. i had 3 total growing up. my parents have 1 now. my brothers have all had 1-2 each since they moved out. they are just great dogs. you raise them right and you never have to worry about them around people or anything. that's what i like. i walk mia without a leash. she just follows me around. so did all the other dogs. very obedient.


Well-Known Member
I agree, dogs are awesome, imagine how strong is the connection between her and you that she risks her life for you, even thought chances were low. aww... :)