Ibs and cannabid


Active Member
friend of mine has very recently been diagnosed with this terrible condition and they say they are willing to try cannabis if it'll work. Has any one had experience with it working and how or what would Be the best way to take it, I was just assuming oil form, if so how do I make it.. Also if possible he doesn't want to get high off it..?


Well-Known Member
Kind of depends on what its being used to treat as far as how its consumed but ya you can get herb that doesn't get you lit like grapefruit said. Research!


Well-Known Member
Lots of high CBD strains out there. Another tack is to do your concentrate at low temperatures, which will keep it from decarboxylizing so much and therefore won't get him as high.

Counterpoint; when I need pain relief from surgery, I WANT to be high, I feel the euphoria really helps me detach myself from the pain and ignore it better. His situation may be different, I'm just sharing my own experience.

Above all, best of luck and I hope you get your friend some much needed relief- and good on you for making the effort! He's a lucky man to have a friend like you.