Ice hash with tea strainer and nylon mesh??


Hello folks,
Wondering if this method would work.
I'm thinking take some ground up bud and stir in ice water for a bit, pour that mix through a somewhat wide teastrainer with this nylon mesh (I have around my house that we use sometimes to put things inside of in the dryer. Not sure of micron but I think It should work folded a couple times) under the tea strainer to catch the hash, maybe repeat this a few times with the collected water. Then let that hash dry for a day maybe. Any thoughts on if this would work? Or do you think the tea strainer would catch ALL the shit and I would just have green water flowing through the nylon mesh and the nylon mesh wouldn't catch anything?? Any question or clarifications just ask. Any help appreciated thanks in advance! Peace and positivity
Thanks for your response bro...not really sure how it's relevant though haha. I've made a small run of BHO with 5x butane, heat purdged AND vacuum purged it. While it did taste somewhat clean, I was not a fan of how much it locked my throat up. Something told me that it's a bad sign to cough that much and tells me something must be wrong and there must be impurities in it. See even in 99% butane they add what they call stablizers like benzene and others that evaporate at a higher temp that butane. And even the cleanest BHO can have 1% butane/impurities left in it. So my point is, I'd rather use an organic solvent like...water! Thanks again for ur response...any ideas on my proposed method though?
i would never recommend a Tucky baster use a glass one hitter (i know its small) or try to get a vaporizer glass tube. NOT THE MOUTH PIECE.
Lol thanks guys trying to make water hash here. Any suggestions if this would work??
Peace and positive vibrations!
i would never recommend a Tucky baster use a glass one hitter (i know its small) or try to get a vaporizer glass tube. NOT THE MOUTH PIECE.

neither would I, and truthfully I wouldn't blast thru anything. this is why I bought a tamisium. OP, sarcasm on my part, sorry.
So your just getting kief? What do u use as a filter though? Do u have a micron screen or what?

yeah basically keif but thats what an extract is too since most of the stuff you want is on the outer surface of the plant material.

yes a micron screen the smaller the better i currently an just using a mesh bag so i have different grades because i like to use fine powdered MJ so i can get more yield.

but if i wanted to do a straight dry ice shake thru and get the best and most for my time i would use powdered trim and 75 or 60 micron bad and shake that shit.

but honestly ive done almost all the extraction methods and nothing beats "sugar hash" which is rather complicated and dangerous to make so i just stick to the dry ice cause its the easiest dry ice, butane can be fun tho im still learning. iso is great but low yeild. bubble hash is too much work.