Ice strand, first growth, how much longer?


Active Member
Hi guys, I'm about five weeks into flowering, would like to hear some professional opinions on how much longer to go. I'm guessing it's around 5 since I forgot to log the date I put them into 12/12, but it happened about May 20th or so. My main girl is at about 4'3", the others are areound 4'. Hydro is _incredible_, soil gave me pitiful results. Not to bash soil, but hydro worked the best for me.

I know it's very early, but it's so hard to have to continue to smoke schwag while there's a real killer growing in my basement, so I took a small early sample and "dried" it in the oven at 180F for 10 min... Barely dried and harvested weeks before completion it gave me a better high than the crap I'm reduced to smoking right now, I just cant wait anymore!! :)

But I will! So can anyone tell me how many more weeks aproximately?



Well-Known Member
MY guess from what you said when it started to flower.,the first week in july.KEEP SMOKE ALIVE!!


Well-Known Member
Nice ice i got sum i am mothering right now. I cant wait to start flowering. Yours look grate just a lil longer now. Keep up the good work.


Well-Known Member
Judging from those pictures I'ld say you have atleast 3 weeks probably 4, don't waste all that hard work now.


Active Member
looks great everyones right you got a couple more weeks left don't harvest early man, i had to do it and i would've loved to keep them flowering until they were fully ready but i couldn't... good luck on the rest of the grow can't wait to see what they turn out to be in a few weeks.


Well-Known Member
I grow Ice on every grow.that first picture looks like it still needs at leasst 3 weeks.It is all hairs right now, but will fatten up nicely if you are patient with it.Ice has a couple of ohenos that seem to take forever.I have one that is almost 3 weeks longer than the shorter flowering pheno.