idea for killin smell-works great


Ive got 4-3' GDP clones 5 weeks in flower in tent with passive intake, good 6" fan and scrubber for exhaust. ona jel in hall way outside room to get escaping smells plus some walmart smelly good things.

whole house reeked.

built home made scrubber from diy odor control forum and connected to 8" 500cfm home depot inline fan and set outside tent by exhaust duct.

major difference when i came back in hour but still smelled a bit.

ran duct from tent fan exhaust to closet. put small square cinderblock with hollow center between sliding door and wall and taped duct so it blew thru cinderblock into closet.

next i did same between sliding door and wall on otherside with home made carbon scrubber going thru another hollow cinder block bein sucked out by the fan near the door. sealed all cracks and openings in closet door with tarp and tape so only tent exhaust goes in and gets rescrubbed coming out.

NO SMELL (im used to smell now but other people said all they ever smell when they come in is burnin mj not growin.

||=tent wall
\\=closet door

||carbon scrubber===duct===air cooled light=||=fan==duct=====cinder\\block
this is now blowing still stinky air in sealed closet

DIY scrubber==cinder\\block===500 cfm inline==out bedroom door (or back in room if door closed when i leave house.


sorry so long took while to set up so while to talk bout

check my journal. updating w/ pics tomorow week 5 flower