ideal dif temperature?


What would you say is a good dif temperature (AverageTemperatureDay-AverageTemperatureNight) ?
Is there any real issue with really short internodes?
Shall we keep the dif temperature constant during the whole cycle or may be some benefits on playing with it?

Thanks all for sharing your wisdom here


Well-Known Member
5-10 c different between night and day is good
short internodes is important, 1" gap is ideal imo

with lots of close shoots (internodes) the plant will have loads of side shoots and in flower this will give you a lot of bud sites


best pic I could find on Google

see the one in the white bucket, all the nodes are stretched, plant looks weak and it only has a few small buds
the smaller plant looks more healthy and has loads of large bud sites

this is all down to the internodes

indoors under light the smaller plant would yield a lot more than the bigger plant

the bigger plant needs a stick to hold it up so it can't support much bud growth in late flower