Well-Known Member
Plants are about 5 weeks old. Nothing but problems. Nothing huge but its been annoying none the less. Latest b.s. is I finally get a TDS tester yesterday afternoon. So Im all eager to get home and test the reservoirs and see the high PPM that has been giving my plants nute burn. So I get home and check it and it comes up at 500. Uh....what...500 is giving burn?? I read other people that have it at around 1000-1500. So then I think maybe just maybe this isnt burn but possible a deficiancy. So what do I do you ask?? change out the res and add more nutes. I get them up to around 950( the average number of the for res). Within in 10-15 minutes I realized that I clearly am not as bright as I was hoping to be and it is good that I decided against horticulture back in college. While some of the leaf tips curled back in an ugly snarl clearly pissed at me for my infraction others looked just so friggin sad that it almost made me cry. They were a bit bit droopy with their heads hanging low. Which goes against what I thought the symptons of nute burn were. I thought it would get then standing at attention for a bit and then fry. But I was wrong. Anyways. I rushed into action and ran for fresh buckets of water. I put a tiny bit of food in them for them(300 PPM). This morning when I woke up I checked and they were still a bit pissed at me but it seems like they are getting alittle better, the curling has went down. But who know with these f*cking plants. Cant wait to get home and see what trouble they have been up to today and what Im gonna have to fix. I cant believe these prissy things grow in the wild. I spend more money on their well being then mine. Oh well I still love what Im doing.