If god* got high...


Well-Known Member
what song would he wake'n'bake to? I'm thinking Flashlight by Parliament/George Clinton but thats just me.

* (or shiva, kali, buddha, L Ron hubbard, tom cruise, oprah, corn syrup, whatever you may believe)


Active Member
probably it's a small world after all. hee-hee. your limiting god's abilities to the senses of human beings. i think he/she/it is way to great in his infinite wisdom it wouldn't be even possible to put an answer down to that question....


Well-Known Member
Okay, if god* could listen an infinite amount of stoned out classics at the same time, which song in the circle would come up first on his ipod shuffle? And Ive never heard that song, but it seems a bit egotistical. ;) Ill download it though. Would I listen to "if ogrelung smoked cannabis?" Actually, good point.