if most of the hairs on plant are orange/red is it ready. no magnify glass


Active Member
i don't have a way of looking at tricomes i don't have a magnify glass is there any other way to tell if its ready most of the white hairs are orange/red some hairs are getting dark red almost brown


Well-Known Member
The hairs can turn orange,red or brown weeks before the plant is ready. You need to look at the trics for the very first signs of going from cloudy to brown.


Active Member
Look at the plant in white light. You should want to see about 10-20% amber trics, and 80-90%cloudy. Happy Harvest!


Well-Known Member
If you have a digital camera take a pic of the buds as close as possible, load it on a photo shop program and enlarge, you can get a good idea abt it.


Well-Known Member
post a pic ...I have not used a mag lens in a couple years..you can just tell when she swells and peaks


Well-Known Member
grorite answered the question above. The caylax hairs will recede back to the bud. at this point the trics are generally mostly cloudy.