If this helps one person: Tennessee

If this helps only one person, it was worth writing.

Yesterday morning at 9 am i was traveling behind 4 vehicles in the left lane of I-75 in Tennessee, behind 4 other vehicles.

My little cobra radar detector alerted and I immediately noticed two police vehicles parked under an overpass, poised to take off. Regardless, I was indeed going the speed limit, and maintaining considering there were 4 vehicles in front of me. I passed the cops cars, one of which was a white charger with a brush guard and nothing else, the other a fully marked blue Tahoe. I looked in my rear-view and noticed through the cluster of cars behind me that the charger was slowly pulling out and merging into traffic as if to tail someone. About a minute later and after any thought of it had left my mind, I noticed a white charger in the lane next to me, pacing me doing the exact speed limit (set on cruise) but about 50 feet back.. very nerve racking to those of us this hasn't happened to.

This continued for about 2 miles, the charger's constant pacing of me, and this is when I got freaked out and exited, went to a gas station, took a leak..and onward ho. When I entered the freeway I was clear-headed, not a care in the world.. Until I noticed a white charger pacing me in an adjacent lane, about 50 feet back.. what the hell!! He must have locked up his brakes to stop under the overpass to wait for ME and me only to enter the freeway. He continued to pace me for another mile or two, and sure enough.. WOOP WOOP; blue lights.

I pulled over and within 2 seconds of handing the officer (in a very casual uniform) my license and registration he told me to step out. Within 30 seconds of that he asked if he could search my vehicle.. I told him I did not consent to any searches, and almost simultaneously a truck pulled up with K-9 plastered all over it, motherFUCKER!

Side note: I was not high during all this, surprising I know.

So within 30 seconds of THAT theres a German Shepherd walking around my car, and at this time im thinking what the !FUCK! is going on here?! What did I even get pulled over for?! By the time the dog was finished there was 5 or 6 more official vehicles; silver, blue, white..crown vics, tahoes, chargers..all sorts of shit people!

These were not your usual dumb billy-bob cops it turns out, the were Drug Task Force officers. From what he told me there were dozens of them on roadsides state-wide. Fuck every single one of you, by the way, if you by any chance lurk through here trying to fuck someone else.

To make a very long and arduous story short they ripped all my shit up once the dog hit on my dried out little 1g sack of blue dream I had. They kept asking me, 'you got pounds I need to know about? Im looking for big-time traffickers' Before I know it, myself and my passenger are in handcuffs being read our Miranda rights. After a phone call to a federal agent on my behalf was placed, the cuffs came off and I was told I was very lucky, like I didn't already fucking know that.

I was put in the front of the white charger that had been pacing me, and as the officer was writing me a small possession citation he continued to tell me how he used to use marijuana, and get 'pie-fried' or some shit. Oh, and he gave me a little quarter-of-a-sheet piece of paper that had a little box checked 'Speeding' with no X miles in an X zone or anything. Seems to me like an excuse for following me, although he lost sight of me and never had his lights on for over 4 miles, whatever... He did, however, tell me that the reason he pulled ME over as opposed to anyone else was that i have license plates from a certain big state that borders Mexico that's known for trafficking.

Anyways it pisses me off talking about this so im going to stop, if it matters im under 20 years old and I drive a blacked out Infiniti, no telling if that factors in anywhere..

Just let it be known that statewide they're doing this, the guy told me straight up
hell no, just hoping someone comes across this and stays extra careful through those parts because the roadside really was littered with these people, hidden and in plain sight as well


Well-Known Member
Dude I was taken down by around 10 cops guns drawn because I was a white dude hanging out in Holyoke mass. the shit happens everywhere.
Oh shit, i've heard about that..

being "white in a 'high-crime' area" is what they call that down here, isn't that some shit, guns drawn?!