If you had 2 wishes ?


Well-Known Member
if you had 2 wishes ,what would you wish for,(anything)


1. ulimited ca$h

2. health


Well-Known Member
1. legalize marijuana
2. get all of bill gates money, hand out a shit load of it out in public, if i have enough money i would just spend my days going aroun giving wads of money :D


Active Member
the 3 W's...
Women, Weed, Wine...
but i guess since i only get 2 wishes ill take off the wine :lol:

scrap that... ill wish for MORE WISHES! clever eh?


Active Member
1. To win the lottery or some such thing, so that I am well-off to rich financially and don't need to work, and can spend my time growing, smoking, and spending time with the kids I'll have someday.
2. To be face-deep in Jessica Alba.


Well-Known Member
i wish jamie lee curtis wasn't a hermaphrodite

wealth. but not too much. maybe 5 million, i could be kept busy by trying to turn it into 10.


Well-Known Member

If I want something to always be able to go into my pocket and have whats required to get it


Well-Known Member
1. Longevity of my family.
2. Unlimited money, which I would use to help Fix Britain. I want people to be proud to be British again.

And the i'd help the world. ;)


New Member
I'd wish for unlimited wishes duh...

But if I couldn't do that... Then I'd wish:

to go in space

for true love from another



Well-Known Member
1.) I would wish that all law enforcements around the world would decriminalize Marijuana and make all weed related products Legal!

2.) on that note I'd wish to be a freed Genie (Aladdin*) lol with the power of Q from Star Trek! Hellztothefuckyeahbiotch!