If you have a smartphone, you have a lux meter


Well-Known Member
Download a free app and use it! If your plant is stretching and you don't check your lux levels, you're missing out!


Well-Known Member
I downloaded one call PPFD meter, but any free lux meter will do the job. Just make sure to locate your light meter on your phone and make sure it is clean. Way better than guessing!
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Star Dog

Well-Known Member
Be careful if your considering using to gauge light heights, I downloaded a few apps and they all give different readings, with the Lux app I have to fold up a cigarette paper 4x and put it over the light sensor to stop it going of the scale.
I use a crappy resistance meter now it's readable under the lights and the figure doesn't constantly jump around.


Well-Known Member
Be careful if your considering using to gauge light heights, I downloaded a few apps and they all give different readings, with the Lux app I have to fold up a cigarette paper 4x and put it over the light sensor to stop it going of the scale.
I use a crappy resistance meter now it's readable under the lights and the figure doesn't constantly jump around.
When you say different readings, how different? Are you holding it at the same height and angle? If it's a difference of like 1,000 lux I highly doubt that would be an issue. We're talking like 70,000 lux for flowering. You can be off by 1,000 without much consequence.

If you're having the block the light meter then surely either the light is too bright or the scale is too low. What is the reading without blocking it?

Star Dog

Well-Known Member
When you say different readings, how different? Are you holding it at the same height and angle? If it's a difference of like 1,000 lux I highly doubt that would be an issue. We're talking like 70,000 lux for flowering. You can be off by 1,000 without much consequence.

If you're having the block the light meter then surely either the light is too bright or the scale is too low. What is the reading without blocking it?
I'm not trying to convince you just ignore the above post.

Everyone with a apogee meter it now has no value, anyone can go download the equivalent for free lmao.