If you hermi a plant....


Will it grow less trichs? I feel like I may have hermi'd a few plants and the ones that I am suspecting grew almost little to no visible trichs. Where as the same strain, near the rear of the grow area, which wouldn't of received the light that was accidentally glaring through, developed nice frosty trich buds....

Your thoughts please...


Well-Known Member
How much light? Maybe the ones in back are normal flowering and the front ones internal clock is screwed up. Pics? Nanners?


I had to clip. 9 of 12 were ready. 3 were exposed to light on an occasion during feeding. After trimming and curing, there was no trichs on the plants.


Well-Known Member
Hmm...well mine by the fan get more trichs or by the uvb if I don't rotate. Interesting..