If You Voted For Bush STFU


Well-Known Member
I hear a lot of complaints about Obama doing this and Obama doing that with people forgetting why he doing what he is doing...Trying to correct the errors of the last eight years is going to require drastic steps that will take time ( not just one year ). Its funny how they say why you bring Bush up..Because stupid he is the reason for this season....I know that they really want all of us to forget Bush, because he was a total phuck up....Heck they are even trying to forget him as well....See how many people not claiming to be Repukes but are now independent just like Lou Dobbs "Mr.Independent"..Well to all you people who put Bush in office its your fault that we are in the crisis that we are in now...Obama just came in office to correct what your voting decision has caused ... so again if you voted for Bush STFU.....


Well-Known Member
i didnt vote for bush(wasnt old enough to vote yet then), but id rather have him, being someones political puppet, than mr flip-flop john kerry


Active Member
The stupidity of the liberal mind never ceases to amaze me. Their inability to put together a logical coherent argument is why they will always be nothing but a joke.

Exactly what errors on Bush's part are being fixed by reckless, out of control, unaccounted for deficit spending?

I had a radical liberal tell me that the stimulus was needed because Bush created a huge deficit. When you hear such ludicrous statements you can only laugh.

I'm no Bush fan and I never was but I don't see any difference is Bush's failed liberal policies and B-Rocks ultra liberal failed policies. We will be paying for their mistakes for generations to come.


Well-Known Member
again the title is " IF YOU VOTED FOR BUSH" so if you didn't why even respond...only hit dogs holler....so it must be that you really did vote for him and are now to ashamed to admit it.....and if you think Bush and Obama are the same maybe you should never vote....and you right Cracker we do have free speech in this country..so I'm free to tell you to SFTU...but Cracker I will give you this much you are about the only one now who will admit that they voted and liked Bush....so on that respect for being a man about it...


Well-Known Member
obama has the same handlers bush had ... they are continuing what the bush regime started ... you have to be blind not to see it.:spew::fire:

Illegal Smile

I proudly voted for Bush and would gladly do so again. A hundred more times more blunders have been made by this fraud than in the previous 8 years. Soon you will see polls showing that a majority would rather have Bush back. Count on it!


Well-Known Member
obama has the same handlers bush had ... they are continuing what the bush regime started ... you have to be blind not to see it.:spew::fire:
I guess Bush wanted Health Care For All....I guess Bush wanted to close Gitmo...I guess Bush really didn't believe in torture...I guess Bush and Obama tax policy was the same...I guess Bush really wanted to have talks and resolution with Iran that does not invoke war....I guess Bush views of global warming and the environment are the same....I guess Bush changed his views on stem cell research as well....Dude just because he kept some Bush people on board his first year does not mean they are the same.....


Well-Known Member
I proudly voted for Bush and would gladly do so again. A hundred more times more blunders have been made by this fraud than in the previous 8 years. Soon you will see polls showing that a majority would rather have Bush back. Count on it!
and again are you the one that said Obama was not going to be the POTUS...but thank you for being a man and admitting that you voted for Bush:clap:......now STFU :wink::smile:

jeff f

New Member
I hear a lot of complaints about Obama doing this and Obama doing that with people forgetting why he doing what he is doing...Trying to correct the errors of the last eight years is going to require drastic steps that will take time ( not just one year ). Its funny how they say why you bring Bush up..Because stupid he is the reason for this season....I know that they really want all of us to forget Bush, because he was a total phuck up....Heck they are even trying to forget him as well....See how many people not claiming to be Repukes but are now independent just like Lou Dobbs "Mr.Independent"..Well to all you people who put Bush in office its your fault that we are in the crisis that we are in now...Obama just came in office to correct what your voting decision has caused ... so again if you voted for Bush STFU.....
wow, you are smart. well thought out post :spew:


Well-Known Member
london not tryin to start anything here but sometimes you just come off as ignorant. I guess you feel the same thing about mebecause im conservative but really man you make all these generalizations and most of the arguments you make are unimportant and are intended to poke at the conservatives. I wish this site would go back to being about growing. Stop all of this immature biccering about politics and lets go toke a bong. That goes doubly for my fellow conservatives. I know there are some of you out there starting drama and poking at the libs. just drop it an pop a new bean.


thank you fellow conservatives, you wouldent think there would be many conservative marajuana growers but I'm surprised. And bush had a good economy for the first 6 years and it was the liberals wanting everyone to own homes that got us in this mess. Remember? They made banks lower standards for home loans and it was great untill people figured out they couldent pay the loans, thus the begining of a crisis, irresponsibility. And obamas solution is to spend 800 billion that we dont have to get us out of a recession. you can't spend money to get yourself out of debt. And now he saidls healthcare will bail us out somehow....
and I never liked bush just so you know
anyeays thats my rant if ya dont like it then argue a logical point.


Well-Known Member
london not tryin to start anything here but sometimes you just come off as ignorant. I guess you feel the same thing about mebecause im conservative but really man you make all these generalizations and most of the arguments you make are unimportant and are intended to poke at the conservatives. I wish this site would go back to being about growing. Stop all of this immature biccering about politics and lets go toke a bong. That goes doubly for my fellow conservatives. I know there are some of you out there starting drama and poking at the libs. just drop it an pop a new bean.
You do realize that you never have to even enter this part of the forum...all I see is Obama this Obama that.... post with titles like ...Liberal Media -Fort Hood spin, Left = Misery, Obama Muslim...etc .....after awhile its like phuck it dude lets take the gloves off and do this...and I don't take that you starting anything your replies always seem to be fair....Its the other teabagging foxsuckers that talk stupid $hit that my fight is with.....If the Repubilcan Party really want to start to make a change they first need to educate those teabaggers and stop with the nonsense about Obama not a citizen, or he communist ( they said the same thing about Martin Luther King )...until then its on.....now Smokey I like reading your replys and post in the growing section you always quick to offer some solid advice so on that you cool...but if you voted for Bush STFU ( but still smoke one with me...I will match you )


Well-Known Member
thank you fellow conservatives, you wouldent think there would be many conservative marajuana growers but I'm surprised. And bush had a good economy for the first 6 years and it was the liberals wanting everyone to own homes that got us in this mess. Remember? They made banks lower standards for home loans and it was great untill people figured out they couldent pay the loans, thus the begining of a crisis, irresponsibility. And obamas solution is to spend 800 billion that we dont have to get us out of a recession. you can't spend money to get yourself out of debt. And now he saidls healthcare will bail us out somehow....
and I never liked bush just so you know
anyeays thats my rant if ya dont like it then argue a logical point.
yeah that's the quick answer, but i will have to say when you keep exporting jobs out the country people in your country will not have any means of paying for thier homes....Please tell me the one thing that Americans make on a large scale...pretty much nothing....you can't keep taking jobs from Americans and expect them to be able to pay bills....outsourcing American jobs is a bigger reason for the economy melt down...and also do you think you can have two wars going on at the same time and not have it affect your economy as well..geezz


thats not a logical argument for anything, you just make yourself look stupid, get the facts and stop arguing this petty argument about how great the almighty obama is and how evil bush was. Bush is gone look at...wait your not even an American, I can't expect you to understand.


I meant your previous argument not the one to my statement, and yea 2 wars will affect the economy but just because china makes everything doesent mean its anyone in the governments fault. True


Well-Known Member
thats not a logical argument for anything, you just make yourself look stupid, get the facts and stop arguing this petty argument about how great the almighty obama is and how evil bush was. Bush is gone look at...wait your not even an American, I can't expect you to understand.
I'm not American..WTF..... Well guy do tell me what I am ...Kenyan ??????


yea. Your from England thats what was said earlier in some form or another. Anyeays I'm done arguing if you weren't so rude I would argue more, and if I'm wrong about the American thing then I appologise, it was not my place to say that