Illegal state, cops enter home for gas leak, I'm out of state


Active Member
Got a call last night that there was a gas leak in my home and the gas company was going to call a locksmith + enter with a cop. Nothing I could do as I was over two hours away. They went in and did some work to fix the leak in my basement... about 30 feet from my two grow tents, near a table covered in hydro nutrients, and worst of all... A freshly plant (everything clipped off).

Has anyone had this happen? How screwed do you think I am if I haven't been contacted by the cops or anything yet? FWIW I live in a liberal city with decriminalized weed, and I'm growing a single plant (well, one harvested, one flowering).
Your alright man. Don’t worry to much. Your situation is very small and clearly for personnel use. I’m no lawyer but based on personnel experience you’d already be in cuffs if they wanted you. Finish up your cycles or tear down now and plan for a new location and you should be just fine. If you tear down now and get rid of incriminating things your fully good to go.
I'd like to know how they determined there was a leak inside your home? None the less, it was probably a good thing they did go in and stop the leak/vent the gas otherwise you might not have a home to return to. I agree you probably dont have much to worry about because you havent been arrested...yet, best of luck!
I'd like to know how they determined there was a leak inside your home? None the less, it was probably a good thing they did go in and stop the leak/vent the gas otherwise you might not have a home to return to. I agree you probably dont have much to worry about because you havent been arrested...yet, best of luck!
My neighbor smelled it and thought it was there place.

I checked online and there is no warrant for my arrest sohopefully that’s good. Kinda counting on it being Xmas Eve, low plant count, and being a middle class white lady to make the cops not real interested in doing anything
I have never heard of a gas company entering like that. They have the ability to shut it off outside. I don't think this would pass the smell test, no pun intended, in court so they prob wouldn't do anything. They are right I think you already would of had your picture taken.
Totally this. Them entering your home as they supposedly did would negate and search and seizure IMO, I would contact an attorney ASAP.
My plan right now is to get rid of my plant when I get home and dismantle my tents, assuming things are how they left them when I left for the holidays. Obviously if I go back and the plant is gone then I’m screwed I assume.
I have never heard of a gas company entering like that. They have the ability to shut it off outside. I don't think this would pass the smell test, no pun intended, in court so they prob wouldn't do anything. They are right I think you already would of had your picture taken.
Its rare Im sure but if gas was detected outside the house they cant just turn it off and walk away. The house would be full of gas and the explosion hazard would still exist. If the house did explode, the gas company would be liable since they were there looking for leaks, and found one, but did nothing about it...