illinois residents unite


Active Member
contact your local representative and tell them yes on SB1381 for use of medical marijuana fight for cheap natural medicine instead of sexual side effects -nausea-anal seepage- and other horrible side effects of man made often not functioning medication let your voice be heard join our other 13 states in saying yes to medical marijuana
contact your local representative and tell them yes on SB1381 for use of medical marijuana fight for cheap natural medicine instead of sexual side effects -nausea-anal seepage- and other horrible side effects of man made often not functioning medication let your voice be heard join our other 13 states in saying yes to medical marijuana
I am trying to figure out how many plants that im going to be able to grow under this prop 215.
And do you know how to contact someone about this support. is where to go to contact them but i believe that your address is withheld by norml i couldnt possibly see an organization like that giving law enforcement our info... illinois sb 1381 says that under this we will be allowed to until further studies reveal a 60 day supply of dried smoke (like i said until further study) which is 2 ounces and we can grow up to 6 plants but only 3 may be mature by mature they say visible budding or preflowering or greater than 12 inches in height or greater than 12 inches in diameter.:leaf:
damn thats not alot, of plants and almost impossible to do. with 6 plants and three in mature. and 2 oz's for 2 mo' shit i smoke that in two weeks.
I know me personaly i would have to have at least 14 plants in order to have the harvest's to meet my medical needs.
Ive checked out the normal site and i just dont trust anyone to give out me info like that.
I think that we should put up a post to send to normal to be able to sign the bill, but also be able to protect our self's.
i know that it aint shit for meds but its a start its only for 3 years then they have the option to get rid of it or renew it thats when they will give us more and norml is actually encouraging poeple as you and me that i myself can say for my chronic pains and back spasms to come out and say it loud we smoke for medicinal purposes and want to no longer live in fear because we prefer a natural alternative without the serious side effects and possible death from the man made often creates more problems then you had before my grandma had a health issue that she took pills for the pills caused a side efect the caused a disease that killed her. my point
I would have no problem with any of that, hell Ill become a spok's person. but i dont want a record from all that crap. I guess that im still hiding out.
I thought the same, at one point. That basically the government has to get into it and make a monopoly out of it all. that is the whole problem. If their was a law that stated that it was legal to grow your own, but steep punishment to sell it. This is what id like to see, I believe that we have the right to our medication, And i dont beleive that any dr would be opposed to it .
even if pot did nothing on the physical plan, but mentaly you trully beleived that it helped you. Its the same thing as a placebo. But we all know that the wonderfull effects of cannibis is very thropudic to all of us in some way.
I dont beleive in buying or selling cannibis , because it is such a wonderfull drug.
It effects people in differnt ways, If your stressed you may laugh away your stress, and like in my case I use cannibis to control pain spikes, muscle spasms. And helps me mentally to go on with my day. chronic fatuge from fibromyalga, and several other back problems.
So in sort Iguess that weed should be given and shared, not bought, sold or fought over in any way. cannibis is the drug of peice, and it should remain that way.
i have to disagree with you. many doctors do not believe that marijuana is safe or effective as a medicine.
I dont know what your disagreeing on but you have the right to do so,
my point is, if america didnt pay for the weed that ther smoking no matter what the reason. If no money changes hands, you take the government right outa the pic so to say. IF no one is willing to pay for weed there not going to care anymore. they only care about legalizing it for med reasons to tax the hell outa it and line ther pockets.
i was disagreeing with the doctors would approve of mj usage idea.

i hear you on the gov thing but ppl are naturally capitalist's and will buy weed rather than grow it. just look at corn and lettuce.
sorry man,
Im saying that, most dr's get a kick back for rx ing different drugs, or maybe the hosp. has a deals with a drug company's. medical cannibis legalisation is a push from the people that has found cannibis to be very therapudic, and reaserch is now being done and great things are happening because of this reaserch. THey beleive that cannibis can help cure cancer!!!

and look at the net, its loaded with stuff about medical cannibis,
read the newspapper some times, their will be a report of a drug bust, and the guy will plea that its his meds.
AND everyone has heard and knows this now so, the poloticians dont have any choice but to show in favor of legalistion.
Them not doing it would be like hanging the cure to cancer in front of a dieing lung cancer pt. and teaseing him with it.
Its all government bro sry for the book just trying to figure it all out my self so i can stay outa the cell for wanting to be healthy.
honestly if pot were legal today, if it always had been legal, do you think they would or even could make it illegal?

shouldn't that be required of every law, revision every.....10years to see if it is still relevant, if the science that convinced us one way has changed since then?

there's not enough room for this in our justice system, think of those ridiculous laws you hear of now and then, in the city of chicago it is still illegal for an unmarried woman to address a grown man as anything but "master." we simply stop enforcing the laws. instead we should have to re justify our brand of justice periodically.

in dowers grove you can bring herds of cattle through main street between 2am and 4am. legislators seem busy so i don't really have an answer but it ought to be fit in.

it's like a one way system, i know in texas and new york being "innocent" isn't legal grounds for an appeal, only court technicalities and new evidence with scrutiny.

seems messed up right?

maybe if it wasn't so profitable they would simply stop enforcing a proposturous law on a common plant.

um....... i have no idea why i started writing this. and it's a lot to read so i'm either sorry, or you're welcome.
i havent heard anything about mj being a cure for cancer. just a therapeutic treatment. thats all good though, maybe they will prove that it is good as medicine. i just dont think there is concrete proof right now. mostly because of the government.

look at all the countries of the world. mj isnt legal hardly anywhere. it isnt even legal in amsterdam. im not saying that its right but that is the way it is. dont even get me started on the u.n.
They have several studies showing that cannabis, reduces cancerous tissue, in a certain type of lung cancer. but you also have to realize that the gov. doesn't want you to know this.. google some thing like cannibis cures cancer you should be able to read the article.
As a current user of medical marijuana for severe back pain I can assure you it greatly eases the pain associated with 5 herniated disks and a bunch of metal in my back. Here is my problem though. I live in Illinois as well as Hawaii. When im in Illinois im a criminal. In Hawaii im a patent. so half the year i have to risk going to jail for doing what my doctor and I have discussed and determined to be the best treatment for me. Who is the government to argue with that? I will say that the laws in Hawaii as well as the proposed laws for Illinois are ineffective. They are a start but not truly enough to do what is needed.
And to the guy that said he needs 14 plants to supply him with an oz a week.. Umm no you wont need that at all. 4-6 is more than enough. Just check out link in my signature to see my grows.

If I were you I would just grow without a card and keep your mouth shut and you will be fine. With the card your just an a list and bound to a law that really is useless for the true medical user.


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dr, d
Was just wondering, but why would you want to live in il. at all compared to hawaii i just dont think that i could leave.
any way what strain is recomended for the pain aspect, I know if it helps you with those disc's itll help me for shure.
and im starting to agree with you on the legalization part, pretty soon youll be taxed to grow your own pot.
anyways peace