Im color blind :(


Active Member

Yup im kinda color blind and was just looking for a little help with my first grow. I know there is a list of of things I did wrong already but . . .

The seeds came from some pretty good regs. Planted them late, in poor sunlight, in shitty dirt blah, blah, bugs and slugs, blah, blah . . . so I started out with 12 plants, and half of them got eaten by deer or rabbits then I had a few males, leaving me with 3 plants. Also I live in northern Illinois and its starting to get cool, like 60 outside today.

I couldnt really check on them all the time, or even as much as id like, due to location. I borrowed a buddys microscope and well I was more confused with the scope than just looking at them, I see more of the "big" differences in color not small ones. All the trichromes still look kinda white to me ?

The first three pics are from my bigger plant, its the one in the most sunlight (go figure).

From what I can see it seems to be about halfway through the color change?

what do you folks think? when do I pull? hope these pics come out :)

other two plants in less sunlight, making me less happy

their top buds :(



Well-Known Member
NICE! very crystally! try and wait couple more close to as frost as you can...are those in the ground?



Well-Known Member
I am in your neck of the woods....mine is not as close as yours :wall: not sure why they are so late...but they are looking as crystally as yours but

try and leave out couple more weeks, i am nervously watching the weather patterns...been wet, and humid lately



Active Member
yeah I wish it were a bit warmer here still. I had a buddy of mine over yesterday looking at my pics and he said that they looked like they had some purple in them so im likeong that, I just dont wanna wait too long.


Well-Known Member
I would try to wait another 2+ weeks. Looks like only about 25-30% of the hairs have changed from white to orange and the majority of the trichs on both plants still appear to be mostly clear/milky, looks like a very few might be changing to amber but it hard to tell.

BTW those plants looks really nice for pretty much just leaving them to grow without much human interference. Especailly the purple buds!! Did you say it was bag seed? Nice!!!

Oh, there is one thing to be cautious of growing outside this time of the year. Now that fall has came upon us most of the green foilage is dying, turning brown, or changing to bright autumn colors. This often makes marijuana plants stick out like a sore thumb since they are one of the few plants still really green at this time of the year. This makes them highly visible to thieves and LE (law enforcement). I live in PA and LE routinely find plants this time of the year using helicopters to fly over fields and areas that in the summer were once well hidden by other plants. It's mostly large crops that get noticed by LE but thieves are also on the look out for plants too.


New Member
The cool nights are what is bringing out that nice purple color on that first one. I used the sampling method to see when to harvest mine. Took a small bud, cut it up with scissors and let it dry on the tray overnight. Smoked it the next morning to sample the buzz. When I liked the way the buzz felt, I harvested.

I'm downstate from you, near the fighting Illini (save the Chief). Think we're ever going to get Medical MJ passed around here?

I must say you got nice plants out of your bagseed, I'd love to get one of those purple ones.


Well-Known Member
Hey man your not alone im colorblind to and when i do my grow i might end up having to post pics to. hope you figure it out bro....i feel for ya.


Active Member
howdy again,

Its been about a week and I was just wondering if anyone could give me some new info.

My bigger plant has turned a lot more purple, even the fan leaves look purple to me??

are they??

is that good or bad??

misshestermoffitt . . . you said its because its getting cooler, which makes sense, but my other two remaining plants are still green, I can see that color :) . . . which makes this more confusing :( why would they be still green if it were a temperature issue??

I think it might be due to bud size and the smaller plants (with less sunlight and smaller buds) being able to handle the climate change better than the big one, due too making bud???

. . . an buy the way these are questions Im asking not facts Im declaring :)

one pic of my bigger purple plant (tried to add a bunch but I guess Im burning up too much electricity with my big pics :( )



New Member
That is such a pretty plant. It being purple makes it a bit more stealthy if you ask me. People never think of marijuana being a color other than green.

It's looking good, you should be proud of it :bigjoint:


Active Member
That is such a pretty plant. It being purple makes it a bit more stealthy if you ask me. People never think of marijuana being a color other than green.

It's looking good, you should be proud of it :bigjoint:

yeh but . . . wtf??? lol!!!

im glad you like it, when should I pull??

I suspected everyone would be like pull it now!!!

...and why are the others still green??

p.s. this forum only lets me post so many pics or wat?

wish I knew, but I dont have that much "free" computer time for anything in all actuality


New Member
I've only grown one plant and harvested it a little too early due to a weed drought that has been going on where I live since August. (yes going on 2 months now).

Have you sampled a bud to see if you like the buzz? That purple one must have a genetic difference that your others. I'd take one of those big purple fan leaves and press it in a book and frame it once it dries. Those are just cool as hell.


Active Member
lol, are they really that rare?, lol cause I still have some more seeds :)

and plus I pulled some buds off the lower branches last time I was out (first time I posted one week ago or whatever)

and it is a nice stone, nice tasting too, (while still on my bullshit ferts, but that was all I had) I just dont want her to get over done, and the difference between her and the other 2 green ones is scary.


Active Member
and lol, those green ones are only 5 feet away from the purple ones.

but more in the shade, wtf?

... same bag seeds, and plant looks like its just a month or so behind??

fucking sunlight or wat??

Really folks I just wanna get high right now, and I dont have any weed soo....

... tell me something nice...