Im Flowering!! Please help me out!!


So i am two weeks into flowering and i don't know what to do now, what nutrients should i give it, do i flush it, do i flush it with molasses? What do i do i need help guys i got white hairs all over the place and i wana make sure i get a good yield and a good thc presence, help me out, all you guys have been great to me in the past, and everything is greatly appreciated !!
:-D :weed:



Well-Known Member
So i am two weeks into flowering and i don't know what to do now, what nutrients should i give it, do i flush it, do i flush it with molasses? What do i do i need help guys i got white hairs all over the place and i wana make sure i get a good yield and a good thc presence, help me out, all you guys have been great to me in the past, and everything is greatly appreciated !!
:-D :weed:
They look really nice. Don't flush yet. That comes the last two weeks. You don't have to use molasses, it's a personal choice really. Just give them some bloom nutes (low N, high P and K). Keep up the good work.


Global Moderator
Staff member
Good advice from Doc - I would have told you the same thing.
And those white hairs are beautiful, ain't they?


New Member
So i am two weeks into flowering and i don't know what to do now, what nutrients should i give it, do i flush it, do i flush it with molasses? What do i do i need help guys i got white hairs all over the place and i wana make sure i get a good yield and a good thc presence, help me out, all you guys have been great to me in the past, and everything is greatly appreciated !!
:-D :weed:

give this a shot.


happy growing mate.



New Member
They look really nice. Don't flush yet. That comes the last two weeks. You don't have to use molasses, it's a personal choice really. Just give them some bloom nutes (low N, high P and K). Keep up the good work.
what flowering nutes do you recommend and what dosage should i be feeding my plants 2 weeks into flowering ???????????.




Looks good! I give mollases the last three or four waterings and flush pure water last one before harvest. Some people add mollases to their bloom boost the whole time. Its a personnal thing. Looks good though!


Active Member
Again, nothing new to say, find some nutes with high P and K and low N.

flushing with molases APPARANTLY give you better bud, but I have not seen any proof of this.

Flush your plant 2 weeks before harvest, and don't water for the last week. I probably need correcting here, as I'm only on my first grow and regurgetating what I have 'learnt'

Good luck,
+rep for beautiful plants


Active Member
So i am two weeks into flowering and i don't know what to do now, what nutrients should i give it, do i flush it, do i flush it with molasses? What do i do i need help guys i got white hairs all over the place and i wana make sure i get a good yield and a good thc presence, help me out, all you guys have been great to me in the past, and everything is greatly appreciated !!
:-D :weed:
WOW - NICE! Great leaf color, bushy, and all around healthy look. You will want to switch from veg nutes to flower nutes. Flushing is not VITAL at this point unless you are having specific issues (over amping on nutes - IOW leaves showing nute burn, etc.). Flushing won't hurt the plant though...mine actually seem to like it. Molasses is not really used as a flush component, it is mostly used for the micro nutrients it contains, and it helps boost sugars in the plant (make sure whatever you use is non-sulphered) when in flower. Some folks swear by it touting fatter buds - I'm a little skeptical, but I use it now and again anyway.

Don't know what lights you are using, but that will be pivotal in how much bud your plants are going to produce. I'm not questioning any other of your methods at this point, cuz as I said before, those plant DO look happy.
So i am two weeks into flowering and i don't know what to do now, what nutrients should i give it, do i flush it, do i flush it with molasses? What do i do i need help guys i got white hairs all over the place and i wana make sure i get a good yield and a good thc presence, help me out, all you guys have been great to me in the past, and everything is greatly appreciated !!
:-D :weed:
Like said before get some nutes with low n and high p and k.You can use mollases thru the whole flowering cycle even with the flush.
Flush the last 2 weeks of flwering u dont have to worry about it now.Just be slow on the nutes at first and then add more as they grow. dont want to burn them.

Plants look nice.....:weed:

Cap K

Well-Known Member
So i am two weeks into flowering and i don't know what to do now, what nutrients should i give it, do i flush it, do i flush it with molasses? What do i do i need help guys i got white hairs all over the place and i wana make sure i get a good yield and a good thc presence, help me out, all you guys have been great to me in the past, and everything is greatly appreciated !!
:-D :weed:
These esteemed members have all given you good advice and your girls look great so far. All I can really add is great job my dude and just follow the good advice you've been given.


Well-Known Member
whats loaded about it my friend. ?????????.
i dont understand.

I don't really like to give specific fertilizing instructions. It is a very subjective matter and hardly an exact science. I also don't like to give advice about which brands to use. It's a personal choice. To answer your question about doseage of bloom nutes to give your plants 2 weeks into flowering I would say follow the instructions on the package of fertilizer of your choice. Or better yet, see if your brand has a feeding schedule and go off of that. Again, each plant is different and may require different things so my advice to you would be to listen to your plants. I hope this helps my friend.


New Member
I don't really like to give specific fertilizing instructions. It is a very subjective matter and hardly an exact science. I also don't like to give advice about which brands to use. It's a personal choice. To answer your question about doseage of bloom nutes to give your plants 2 weeks into flowering I would say follow the instructions on the package of fertilizer of your choice. Or better yet, see if your brand has a feeding schedule and go off of that. Again, each plant is different and may require different things so my advice to you would be to listen to your plants. I hope this helps my friend.
yes that helps a lot :lol:.




Thanks guys for your advice, but i do have one more question, on the smaller master kush plant on the blottom leaves some of the new growth turned black at the tip and curled , when that happened i immediatly cut those off, i was wondering what that could be and how i might be able to fix it if it happens again, thanks again all!:weed::hump:


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys for your advice, but i do have one more question, on the smaller master kush plant on the blottom leaves some of the new growth turned black at the tip and curled , when that happened i immediatly cut those off, i was wondering what that could be and how i might be able to fix it if it happens again, thanks again all!:weed::hump:
the plant is in its flowering stage so its concentrating on producing buds. The lower leaves die and fall off anyway, on some strains right b 4 harvest almost all the plants leaves will die because its trying to make big buds and the plant dosnt care about the leaves any more. Dont worry about it its just natural for the younger littler leaves to die but if it happen to the bigger leaves this soon in flower then you might have a problem but 4 right now your fine.