Im fucked some one please help?????


Active Member
still the same problem 3weeks in flower and hairs all over plants are dieing and the leaves are tearning a light green from the inside out please help me.


Well-Known Member
try to post pics. but sounds like they need food maybe or is it too hot? pls explain you setup and if you post pics you have better chance of somone fixing the problem for you.


Well-Known Member
ok i read your other posts sounds like you need to feed them more, once they are a good size they need good food. start increasing slowy and maybe use some plants as ginni pigs. i know when clones expend thier energy making roots they begin to get pale green and yellowish, i think this is the plant using up its stored energy cuz its not getting enough chow.


Active Member
Sorry I cant get any photos but they have been in temp at about 83 with lights on and mabey 90 max with lights off ive chect everything i could think of ph 7.o to 7.2 fert is house and garden and i go really lite with it no bugs no over water light is a 400 hps and its about 12'' from tops and leaves arnt curlling so i dont think it is haet doesent seem to mater wear the plants are all the buds and hairs are dieing even the ones that arnt durkly under the lights the leaves are turing lite yellow only around the buds the rest of the plants look great.


Well-Known Member
way hot dude, keep between 65 and 85 (75 sounds delicious). PH should be 6.5. What I heard is that if your plants are "too green" then you should decrease the nutes but that's where hear-say could throw you off so get a few opinions on that one.


Well-Known Member
Im not saying you are but if you are. Stop spraying the plants with what ever you maybe using.