New Member
So I done my first successful LST (18 budsites, actually 19 with the main cola, Im stoked)
But every day I been fucking up with the lights so bad....
It's darkness is from 10 pm - 3 pm
I do more darkness obsly cause IMHO it seems to speed up the flowering process. Nut everyday I been like leaving it in light to long, or leaving it in dark too long...example...
3 days ago totally forgot took it out of dark at 430pm
2 days ago left it in light till 1230 am
yesturday left it in light till 340pm
tonight left it in light till 1040pm
I can't use a timer because I got two other baby plants and it's all in one closet, there in VEG ints in Flower so I gotta put it in my closet when it's time. Im in te process of puttin up a wall, getting more lights and having veg/flow area but the plant seems too still flowring strongly, lots of hairs and its only on it's 6th day of flower....besides the fact that I need to at the least set my alarm tommorow to avoid this....anything that can go wrong by this?
So I done my first successful LST (18 budsites, actually 19 with the main cola, Im stoked)
But every day I been fucking up with the lights so bad....
It's darkness is from 10 pm - 3 pm
I do more darkness obsly cause IMHO it seems to speed up the flowering process. Nut everyday I been like leaving it in light to long, or leaving it in dark too long...example...
3 days ago totally forgot took it out of dark at 430pm
2 days ago left it in light till 1230 am
yesturday left it in light till 340pm
tonight left it in light till 1040pm
I can't use a timer because I got two other baby plants and it's all in one closet, there in VEG ints in Flower so I gotta put it in my closet when it's time. Im in te process of puttin up a wall, getting more lights and having veg/flow area but the plant seems too still flowring strongly, lots of hairs and its only on it's 6th day of flower....besides the fact that I need to at the least set my alarm tommorow to avoid this....anything that can go wrong by this?