I'm Gonna kill someone! (how many lights have you broken at once?)


New Member
So...tonight, I seen on here alot of people use those multi outlets too put there lights in. I been using individual extension chords. So I dug up a a mutli outlet, take my 4 68watt 4200 lumens CFL's, stick em in, go to put em upside down...CRASH! ALL my lights popped out!

I scream from the top of my lungs and start hyper ventliating...I live a pretty sad life. I only have one friend and my father is a child molester who I dont talk too anymore...those plants are basically all I have. I start getting histerical...my mom calms me down and it;'s 9:15pm, home depot closed 15 minutes ago. We speed there and I run in the cracked door. The employees try chasing me out and I start yelling "please just 2 minutes please please all I need is 4 bulbs" they even threatened me with the police. But the manager finally comes over and I told him the truth. He was a complete ass hole and whispers "fucking drugee..." and reluctantley lets me buy 4 more 68watters.

The cashier guy was cool. He said he had a garden too and that he understood how upset I was and told me how a power surge broke 8 of his lights. He made me feel alot better. I reach in my pocket at the register...broke! I forgto! I have no money! My mom lends me a 100 bucks (284watts for 50 bucks is pretty good thuogh). Of course shes not very happy but...blahh!

Anyone else have any crazy light breaking stories? Anyone here out do my 4 at once? lol..:-(
My T5's came crashing down last night after a hanging strap broke. Luckily it hit the middle fo the light where the ballasts are tucked in so the lights just fell out but didnt break.


New Member
how would pillows burn my place down? When the light falls out theres no more electircal current.


New Member
Sounds like you could use a chill pill, bro.
Im a recovering heroin addict. i also suffer from depression, and anxiety. So a "chill pill" is NOT in my future...ha.

Besides...I have 2 mid siezed in vegging and one almost done with flowering....imagine 5 months worth of work too go to shit infront of your eyes? Yeah I probabley couldve handled it better but still pretty upsetting. Im guessing you dont grow indoors?


Well-Known Member
Epic Fail...Your story made me cringe, i feel for you brother. I've been worried about shit like that so when I first made my light fixture, i duct taped the light sockets in. And hey, maybe the manager of the Home Depot was a dick, but he let you in to buy the lights, didn't he? Score one for the assholes. Actually reminded me of a story I have about breaking a bong years back. I broke it as I was headed out the door for work and totally freaked out, my mom bailed me out and said she'd buy me a new one when I got off work, but I just ended up reaching between my legs, finding my nuts, and acted like a man about it. I think I used a plastic home made bong for 8 months after that...lol Glad you got things back up and running :)


New Member
True...I thought that too about the manager....but I feel bad my mom bailed me out she dont have cash like that =/

Oh well..Ill pay her back ten fold when the harvest comes.


Well-Known Member
dam man, that sucks...at least you got your bulbs though.

i dropped one of my 85w cfl's and broke it, i was pretty pissed about that one since it was fresh out of the box...hadn't even screwed it in yet. luckily i bought 2 though so i had a back up.

The Freebird

Active Member
wow man that sounds pretty scary, bad ass that they let you in though... just about 5 days ago I was switching my bulbs over to flowering 2700k, I bought 8 and was hoping to integrate all of them into the box. I put them all into the tight light fixtures that I made to make sure they fit, when I went to take them out I had a bit of trouble so I decided to push them from the back in(total stoner move) and SMASH, one broke by hitting another, I was pretty pissed but at least the one it hit didn't break.. then I do the same damn thing to another and SMASH! bahaha at this point I just felt like an idiot and decided to put my hand on the other end to protect the rest of them from smashing against one another:idea: :clap: so now I just have 6 :roll:


New Member
DAMN! so you lost 2 bulbs? still not THAT bad. my problem was my plants just lost ALL There lights, and its winter. not even likei can stick me outside temperoaly.