Im in Germany and its raining..


Well-Known Member
I need some weed but i dont have any so im just laying on the bed surfing rollitup.. I cant find anything in this city! :(
i already watched 4 episodes of fa mily guy and futura ma and a stupid movie.. i smoked like 10 cigarretes and i dont even like smoking this shit... i need some weeed or haaash... i cant wait to get back home and smoke what i left behind in a shoe box just sitting waiting for me :cry:
That sucks man :(
You know, if you really wanted some bud, Amsterdam isn't very far away from Germany :blsmoke:

Well technically, I mapquest'd it, and it's 4 hours away.
You can take a train!

yeah i went there about a week ago.. had lots of fun... but i cant stay there for ever... and im not going to stay here for ever too.. ill be back to my country in a week... and Cannabiz, i actually do.. and thats whats waiting for me in a shoe box.. my own sweet home grown budddzzz.. i cant wait to try them... i harvested before travelling.. hang dried for a few dayz then just put everything in a few shoe boxes and hoped they cure well.. i hope they dont dry up too much.. or even worst.. mold up .. but what could i have done i had to leave the country for a few weeks...
You should have asked someone to open them once a day for about a month after you put them in glass jars.. they might get too dry just in a cardboard box
no one on earth knowz about my growz except me.. and ppl on this forum :) .. i would've asked u if u lived close by

wow .. i just realized i've been a member here for 2 years now... and only 94 posts! i thought i had more than that.. well.. atleast i can say that i learned alot from this site..
Take a train to amsterdam. get baked. take weed back with you. Day over. That takes about as long as watching the first 2 or 3 Lord of the rings/harry potter :p