I'm just a little baby stoner, can we still be friends?


Well-Known Member
Hey, all. It seems odd, but I'm 20 years old and only started smoking about 6-8 months ago (My memory has been getting fuzzier lately. I'm not sure why :joint:) and I'm not ready to consider myself a pot star yet. I love the plant and all it does for me, but my friends out here have been smoking since they were 11 and act kinda like snobs. I'm just looking for a place to chill and chat about what I love.


New Member
Welcome to the site. I started on this site in march, but i quit for about 6 months and just started posting again 2 weeks ago. I started smoking about 4 years ago, and have been smoking on and off since then. I actually have really good memory even though i smoke a lot. I also love weed since it makes me feel better and less irritable, it sort of balances me out.


Well-Known Member
I've had severe insomnia my whole life and I've had a laundry list of prescriptions to try and fix it (Trazodone, Lunesta, Xanax and more). None of them have worked.

Then I found Indica and get to sleep peacefully every night.


New Member
I have insomnia sometimes too. Especially this summer i couldnt go to sleep anytime earlier then 6 in the morning, which was bad becuz then i slept through most of the day. Weed makes me want to sleep, helps me sleep better, have the best dreams ever, and feel really good after i wake up. Weed is definelty one of the best things to ever happen to me, its like a perfect match. Now all i need is a girlfriend that loves weed too and then im pretty much complete lol.


Well-Known Member
im 20 ive been smoking for 6 months now. ive also have insomnia but the past 6 months ive been sleeping like a baby lol wake up so ready to take on the day aswell. well i had the gf then she broke up with me, she needed time whatever lol but i find out today that she is prego. so i was stuned at frist but now i think about it shell make a great mother and were going to on us, so im stoked.

i know 20 is young for a baby but there is more to it for her but im ready to take on the task


Well-Known Member
I love the plant and all it does for me, but my friends out here have been smoking since they were 11 and act kinda like snobs.
Yeah i noticed the same thing when i first started smoking...Y do ppl act like that?...U think your cooler than someone because you've been sucking a glass dick longer than them? I don't understand that reasoning.

OH yeah and welcome to the site...this place is usually pretty chill


Well-Known Member
thanks dumpsterkeeper there was not a thought in my mind to tell her to get rid of it. well it was like a week or two ago so it wasnt like months of not knowing lol


Well-Known Member
Yeah i noticed the same thing when i first started smoking...Y do ppl act like that?...U think your cooler than someone because you've been sucking a glass dick longer than them? I don't understand that reasoning.

OH yeah and welcome to the site...this place is usually pretty chill
I talk shit about my friends, but some are pretty cool. I like hanging out with my friend and his girlfriend sometimes. I was real low on weed one time and I was hanging out at his house. So I was about to pack a bowl into my metal pipe I carry around for on-the-go smoking and he stopped me, made me put my weed back and packed a bowl into his 4-foot bong which he then made me hit. It was awesome

thanks dumpsterkeeper there was not a thought in my mind to tell her to get rid of it. well it was like a week or two ago so it wasnt like months of not knowing lol
Wow, you're pretty honorable. I would have just sent a check every month and told them not to call me.


Well-Known Member
My friend is evil. I asked him what he would do if his chick said she was prego and he said he'd give her the coat hanger special!:spew:


Well-Known Member
im 20 ive been smoking for 6 months now. ive also have insomnia but the past 6 months ive been sleeping like a baby lol wake up so ready to take on the day aswell. well i had the gf then she broke up with me, she needed time whatever lol but i find out today that she is prego. so i was stuned at frist but now i think about it shell make a great mother and were going to on us, so im stoked.

i know 20 is young for a baby but there is more to it for her but im ready to take on the task
20 is young but there's a very real possibility that my 15yr old step daughter is turning me into a grandfather. Be a good dad, you can do it!


Well-Known Member
thanks guys ya i have a few young cusions and ive always like playing with them, so i think ill be a good dad :) coat hanger special thats all fuked up.
we went to the dr to that shit is stupid i hate dr's.
this is off topic but dose anyone here work for pg&e? pm if you do


Active Member
lol. all my toking mates are cool guys.
just a heaps laid back setting, we all share weed with each other, and no one is bong hogs or slobs.
so its all good.