ThE sAtIvA hIgH
Well-Known Member
had a couple of situations were ive been ripped off over the last couple weeks and im sick of scally little bastard dealers thinking there something , ive just had to slap a dickhead to get my money back off him , i work to fuckin hard to go give it some little cunt trying to sell me a 2 gram eighth of what i can only describe as tasteless hay .
im in my 30s now and lost all my decent contacts , when i quit for 3 years, people grow up and move on i guess .
anyway santa dropped off a bag of cana coco and the complete hessi line , so heres to 2013
im in my 30s now and lost all my decent contacts , when i quit for 3 years, people grow up and move on i guess .
anyway santa dropped off a bag of cana coco and the complete hessi line , so heres to 2013