I'm noob n need help growing


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone im a noob ha i need help! I want to grow weed upstairs in my attic during winter n want no body to no about it what do I need and to be the cheapest way thanks plz help


Well-Known Member
Your best bet is to read these forums, read the FAQ, go to other forums and read those and read their FAQ's.

Next you want to start by just growing a few plants very simply using cheap seeds. This is when you get to screw up and learn.

After you get a few grows under your belt go buy some good seeds. By this time you should have your grow room set up properly and will know how to deal with plant problems at least a little bit. Most importantly you will have learned what NOT to do like over watering or over feeding.


Well-Known Member
I'v done it in my garage before and the wife didn't know any thing about it.I just didn't make it a point to fuck with it when she as around. She smokes but don't like the ideal of growing it and i say what she dont know aint going to hurt.


Well-Known Member
i agree with mattplussness. its gonna be really hard to conceal it. gonna need a lot of costly ventilation measures and its a pretty time consuming process. and if the people in the house are keen at all, they'll find out. are we talking parents, roommates or g/f?


Well-Known Member
Or what if the other members of the household have lost their noses in a terrible circus accident.


Well-Known Member
they are parents but i want to builld something great n produce white widow bud but i need something that will work amazing


Well-Known Member
first and foremost. very very bad idea growing in your parents house. and thats probably the nicest anyone here is going to be to you.


Well-Known Member
then if not advice on a tool shed i could use at my cousins house but its in michigan were it snows n shit if i do it right can i grow weed in there??? need help and some advice ??


Well-Known Member
I strongly suggest postponing the grow until you have your own place. There are several reasons and they are as follows...

- If you get busted by the law for some odd reason, your parents will be held responsible. If you care about them at all, you won't put them at risk.

- Theres really no way to grow pot in their house without them finding out. At some point, they will go into the attic for some reason or another... or they will smell it... and then you will be in a world of shit.

- Its just not worth the risks and the worrying you'll have to endure.

- Using your cousin's shed also comes with unwanted risks. Assuming that your cousin will know about it, you'll run the huge risk of your cousin going in there and taking buds behind your back. You really can't trust people when weed is involved. One day, he'll be jonesin' to get stoned and he'll decide to go out to the shed and snag a top bud. You'll come to check on your ladies and you'll see what happened. You'll be upset and then you and your cousin will have issues.

- Its best to have a grow that NOBODY knows about. Having your own place makes this much easier.


Well-Known Member
Let me make this clear ha my cousin cant smoke cuz his job drug tests him he knows its all cool ha and my dad smokes weed anyways which is really for his back problems so there ya go plussss im real smart with this shit ive done lot more secret shit i think ill be ok but how am i supposed to keep it warm if its snowing and its below freezing what can i do???


Well-Known Member
i think ill be ok but how am i supposed to keep it warm if its snowing and its below freezing what can i do???[/quote]
Come on now. If you have to ask that question then I'd say there is no hope for ya:roll::sleep:Showgirl


Well-Known Member
no is there any warm air blowers or anything i mean ill insiilated it like no other but will the lights produce enough heat or is there a blower i mean come on use ur head