I'm still having some plant problems...


Active Member
image.jpeg This is my ak48. About 7 weeks old now. There's still some orangish color on the fan leaves. They were switched into flower today. Wanted to know if it would be safe to use " X Nutrients CalMagX" any suggestions? image.jpeg image.jpeg
It looks like nutrient burn to me but could be wrong. It is a common thing to do. Back off the nutes a bit ?
what is your medium and what ph are you feeding them at? I'm guessing over feeding causing low ph in the soil = low nutrient uptake.
what is your medium and what ph are you feeding them at? I'm guessing over feeding causing low ph in the soil = low nutrient uptake.
I haven't been giving them barely any nutrients. The soil I've been using from the begin is organic miracle grow, which I was told isn't so good, however I thought maybe this could be from something else. When I posted pics about 3 weeks ago the plants only had a couple of spots on the leaves and most of the responses I got were about people saying is looked like a calcium magnesium def.so bought calmagx from xnutrients ..spayed leaves with it in a spray bottle ..yesterday .5ml in a gallon of water with a ph of 6.5
Just wondering, good shout, maybe use veg nutes for two weeks. How big is your pot as she maybe root bound ?
three gallons and from top of soil to top of plant is 2 ft..have 7 gallon pots should i switch them..and how could i check if there root bound bc def could be possible
I would check by letting it dry out and lift it out gently. I would def repot as if root bound she will be getting deficient due to not being able to uptake nutes. Give her more root space and see how she goes with new soil
I would check by letting it dry out and lift it out gently. I would def repot as if root bound she will be getting deficient due to not being able to uptake nutes. Give her more root space and see how she goes with new soil
ok and put more miracle grow or can i mix it with fox farm ocean forrest
I would be hold off on the MG at the moment. I would go with fresh soil first, let it take from the soil all it needs then feed with MG when you notice it needs feeding again... ? I don't know FFOF but any good bag of soil/compost should do...! When you repot, break up the rootball some but be gentle. Ease her into her knew home gently... ;-)
I would be hold off on the MG at the moment. I would go with fresh soil first, let it take from the soil all it needs then feed with MG when you notice it needs feeding again... ? I don't know FFOF but any good bag of soil/compost should do...! When you repot, break up the rootball some but be gentle. Ease her into her knew home gently... ;-)
should i water it after transfer
MG soil tends to be too hot for this plant, especially when it's young. It's over fert. cal mag won't help. repotting into more MG soil won't help. there will continue to be browning of the leaves, but maybe the plant will survive. ffof is a better soil for this kind of plant. it's made for this kind of plant.
should i water it after transfer

No, water both the medium it is currently in and water the tranplant medium and then place the plant in the new container. Be sure to trim the roots back... Superthrive is supposed to help prevent transplant shock 10 drops to a gallon or soo.
The soil I've been using from the begin is organic miracle grow, which I was told isn't so good, however I thought maybe this could be from something else.

MiracleGro's organic choice shouldn't be too bad if you add 40% perlite. It's the only one I would consider. The others are either too hot with nutrients, or contain vermiculate "moisture control" which is typically unwanted unless you grow under the radiant heat of HID.

I think the lack of perlite in that soil contributes to the overwatering symptoms people are seeing. I think your foliar feeding has created the leaf condition you see now.