Important Question Regarding Medical Marijuana Petition

My state has a House Bill to legalize the medical use and cultivation of cannabis. There is a group of people who strongly support this bill and they are collecting signatures. I was just wondering that if I signed the petition will I be investigated or anything like that? Please respond because I would like to support this group ASAP. Thank You.


Active Member
Honestly, you might....there was something in washington state where they raided a mmj facility and confiscated signed petitions recently.

That's kind of the problem with's hard to be advocating it when you're already paranoid because of your growing and smoking habits. Kind of a catch 22 for lack of a better expression.


Well-Known Member
they cant prove that you smoke or grow marijuana just because you signed a petition that says you dont think marijuana should be illegal.. i know a lot of people who dont smoke or grow but they think that its stupid that pot is illegal because its harmless.


Active Member
Actually they did call alcohol medicine. That was how you got drunk back in the proabition days. The Dr. wrote out a perscription for your symptom, they took it to the pharmacies got their jug, went home and got drunk. LOL


Well-Known Member
I think that the death bell for government raids of MMJ petitioners is in the final stages. Pretty soon it should be mostly legal, people like Barney Frank are pushing it in Washington, and he is just one of many. They may be too afraid to just outright pass it because of the religious votes, but it is inevitable.

If nothing else, by posting this you are basically admitting that you are not some kind of MJ kingpin, so you should be fine to sign it. If nothing else do you really think that the government has the resources to hunt down the tens of thousands of people that sign a petition for mj get warrants and bust your shit up?

No sense in worrying about this, if you are not a legit patient you should be enjoying what you like to enjoy, and if you are a patient fuck em.


Well-Known Member
Actually they did call alcohol medicine. That was how you got drunk back in the proabition days. The Dr. wrote out a perscription for your symptom, they took it to the pharmacies got their jug, went home and got drunk. LOL
yea but it didnt become legal again because it was such a great medicine. it was because people wanted to drink.

cigarettes dont have a medicinal purpose. people just like to smoke them. people dont say oh i need my medicine and pulll out a cigarette.

the government never calls cigarettes "drugs" its all bullshit


Well-Known Member
To the OP: if you believe in it, sign the damn thing. no worries, they will not hunt you down for supporting mmj. 80% of americans do