Impossible is nothing


I'm an outdoors grower in Ireland with fairly good success. Yes, even with our shitty climate it can be done. Anybody else do outdoor or am I a one man wolf pack? lol. Would love to hear from you. Wanna know how I manage it and what strains I use just ask :D



Well we can get any strain for indoor growing but we have a limited choice for outdoor. I use Lowryder 2, Swiss Cheese and Hollands Hope. I'm also trying a Strain called Skunk Red Hair this year. I've heard conflicting reports to whether it can be grown outside here so I gave it a shot. The are doing great at the moment and one is up to my waist already and I'm close on 6 feet tall. The purple strains do well enough here to. Basically anything that will finish early and is mould resistant. The do need a good bit of attention when it comes to the flowering stage but nothing OTT. I'm also trying Papaya in the green house this year. Thats quite an exotic strain for these shores. Will let you know how I get on.