in Europe myself, how to get seeds home


Well-Known Member
anyone know if I send seeds from Spain to America will they most likely get seized by customs?

or most likely they won't?

I hate to lose 54 euros worth of seeds...

and I'm too nervous to carry them back myself...

I'm thinking about hiding them in something and sending it home in a package...

any insight or advice would be great...



Well-Known Member
Get some rubber balloons and put a couple seeds in each one and then tie it in a knot and cut the excess off. Then you swallow them and when you get home you'll have them. Also you'll be carrying them with you the whole time so they won't get lost.


Well-Known Member
shit send them to me and ill send them back to you buddy, im in canada, shit gets in here 100%, and canadian border is much easier to pass without gettin your shit seized rather than overseas from the netherlands


Well-Known Member
Get yourself a padded envelope and on it write, PICS DO NOT BEND (this is what a friend of mine did), or buy any ugly $2 tourist t-shirt and wrap the seeds up in it and on the box write HAPPY B-Day, anything to make customs think it's something else. A Spanish town is a good country to send from as it's not known as hot bed of drug activity like sending from Amsterdam.