In Need Of Some Advice To Harvest.


This coming Friday will be 10 weeks of flowering and I am in need of advice on when to harvest. I am growing White Widow and so far I am confused. I have been watching my plants closely and several of them have glands that are either milky white to a mixture of milky with little amber beginning to appear which was today. My problem is that some of the plants are nearly covered with orange hairs with a mixture of milky white and light amber while others are still white and cruling but also with a mixture of milky white and very light amber. My goal is to have 50/50 milky white and amber but my concern is whether to harvest the 50/50 milky white and amber but still have white hairs. Here are some pics, the first two pics are plants with almost all orange hairs and the other two are plants with white hair. All pics have glands with milky white and light amber. Thx for those that read and post advice on my post. Your kindness will not be forgotten.IMG_0530.jpgIMG_0527.jpgIMG_0528.jpgIMG_0529.jpg


Active Member
look at the trichs not the hairs,the hairs can change color for multiple reasons
i got some ww too from nirvana mine are seedlings tho where did you get yours?