In pots or the ground?

grow space

Well-Known Member
consider many your grow season is long enough for outdoor growing, and that u dont plan to transplant them later on to a new spot..I f u have good conditions for flowering, then def. go straight to ground..dig a hole, fill it with good soil and youl get much more bigger plants and thus, bigger yield...


Well-Known Member
The ground will yield more because the roots can expand further than they can in a pot and therefore be able to support a bigger plant.


Active Member
You also have the option of cutting larger holes ih the pot bottoms and sides.Bury the pot in the ground.You'll have the best of both.You can move it if you have to.I'd say in the ground gives the best yeild tho.


Active Member
If you plan on just putting it in one spot throughout the season then definately just dig a hole and fill it with soil. Make sure the hole is big enoguh though. If the natural soil around your grow isn't that great and the roots branch out into it that will affect your yield.