Inadequate flushing?


Hey all,

I tried flushing for the first time but I think I didn't do enough of it. I only let about 10-20% runoff and I just saw that people recommend putting in 3x the amount of water as the pot holds which probably leads to a lot more runoff.

Is this bad? What are some issues I may face? I used FloraKleen on Sunshine #4. Will the FloraKleen not do a full rinse of built up nutes? Will it affect future feedings? Appreciate your help in advance.
The only thing you need to flush is a toilet. Flushing a plant before harvest is not necessary, for hydro maybe. All i do is stop adding nutes to my waterings a week before i plan to harvest. This lets the plants use up what is let in the soil/medium. I dont do crazy 20-30% run off flushes. Taste and flavor all come from the plant itself and a prope drying and curing. If the plant does not have any/low amount of terpenes(spelling) it will not have a strong smell and taste. This can be genetic but also stress related. Not properly drying and curing will have large impact on the smell and flavor. Dried too fastand it will taste grassy or like dry hay and burn up fast and be hard on the lungs. Dried too slow and mold will ruin it or can just like wet plant/grass. Curing is when the magic happens. Goes from harsh planty tasting to all the different flavors we love. Curing prorply takes 2 weeks to a month in a jar, opening said jar daily for 10 minutes for the first 2 weeks, once dried to you liking seal up the jar and open 1-2 times a week until its ready. You will know when its ready.
Never flush just feed normal amounts of water and let plant eat what's left in media. Flushing was invented by idiots who have no idea what they are doing. I prefer just feeding the water to let them know it's the end and get my fade. But don't worry bout it