

Well-Known Member
None. Too much heat so you have to put the lights far away. This makes them stretch, and the problems continue...


Well-Known Member
Keep reading. Start with the stickies. This was a really stupid question and it just shows you didn't even try to read before asking. You have to learn how to help yourself when all the information is right in front of you.
I DID SEARCH, So dont get Your lil panties in a bundle...this website has way to much hostility for a Marijuana website..go figure...pshh


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry if I sounded disrespectful, but there is a sticky in this category called, "Things to know about lighting" which covers incandescent bulbs. Your post made me wonder if you bothered to read it. If your serious about growing I have a few questions for you... Have you grown anything before? Are you set on growing a particular strain? How much do have set aside to invest? Is there a style of growing you prefer (organic, soil, hydro, etc) and how soon do you want to start?

I promise if you ask an intelligent question, I'll answer your questions myself. And if you wish me to remain silent, I will. There are plenty of brilliant people here who will be more then willing to help guide you. Just please, don't waste our time our time by asking questions that have been answered a million times. We are not here to think for you.

We are growers. You share your tips, I share mine. In the end, we all learn from one another.