Increasing your plant's pest resistance.


Active Member
At the beginning of this growing season, I began applying some of the latest science to my already decent level of experience in organic gardening. Gleaned from a Finnish study on the use of human urine as fertilizer, I began peeing on my compost. Along with my cannabis, I applied compost tea to all my vegetables which grow fruiting bodies, but not to my root veggies beets, collards, turnips. I can confirm that, like the plants treated with urine in the Finnish study, all my plants ( of the ones treated ) show at the most a few tiny nibbles, while the tops of untreated plants have aphids, and mites, and cabbage worms. Upon making this connection, I began feeding the rest of the garden with compost/urine tea and though the problem is not completely gone yet, bugs seem to be fleeing in droves. Also, though I have had mites appear on indoor houseplants, they have never been on my indoor ladies, and vanish when I apply some tea to infested houseplants. I would invite others to repeat this experiment. Perhaps I have stumbled upon an effective and organic pest remover.